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7 years later

"Mummy I'm nervous"
"I know baby. But your going to be just fine okay. We've practiced and you've got this nailed down."
"I just want to make you and daddy proud mummy"
"We are always proud of you sweetheart and daddy would be here if he could be"
"I know. I love you"
"Love you too"
I go and sit down in the crowd and wait for them to call my daughter to the ice. She grew up loving ice, loving the cold and the feel of skates on her feet. When she was 4 she asked me to teach her so I did. And now she is competing in her first competition.

As I get to my sit, I see my dad with my beautiful boys sitting next to him and my baby girl on his lap.
"Hey princess"
"Hey daddy. Where they okay?"
"Of course. How's Rose?"
"She's nervous but she's going to do great I know she is"
"Of course she is, she amazing just like her mother"
I turn quickly at the sound of that voice, the boys look up and screech "daddy!!!"
He scoops them up and hugs them tight, before coming to me.
"What? I didn't think....."
"I wasn't going to miss this for the world"

I can't help the tears that fall, I grab his face and kiss him hard.
"I've missed you so much"
"I've missed you too Mrs Evans"
I can't help but smile "that still sounds as amazing as it did the first time I heard it"
He takes Lisa from my arms and hugs her close before shaking my dads hand and sitting down. The boys sitting beside us and ready to watch there sister.

When Chris and I saw each other in London, we knew the love was still there. We met for drinks and one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together which resulted in our beautiful 6 year old. I moved back to Boston not long after finding out I was pregnant and chris was there beside me the whole time. He was so excited to be a dad, when she was born we named her Rose after my mum and she is a spitting image of me. Not long after her birth Chris proposed and of course I said yes, a year later we got married and 1 years later I had our twin boys, Robert and Peter after our dads.

Then after a drunken birthday celebration, I ended up pregnant again, with our baby girl Lisa. She is 6 months old and she has Chris's blue eyes and my brown hair. Chris has been away on press for his new marvel movie and we didn't think he would be able to get back in time to see rose perform, but the fact he is here just makes me realise how lucky I am. We've had a rough past but I always knew deep down we were meant to be together. When we got married, he insisted on an outdoor wedding, under the sunset and I never understood why until he told me the promise my mum had made him make.

My Ma always knew that Chris was my soulmate, she always knew we would end up together and the fact that she was there on my wedding day, smiling down on us made me feel unbelievably happy. Chris was everything to me and the family we had made was perfect. All those years ago, the letter I wrote telling him what an amazing father he would make was true. He is an amazing father and an amazing husband and he is all mine.

He cheers rose on as she dances on the ice, she looks amazing and I can't help but cry happy tears. Once she has finished the crowd go wild and we cheer so loudly for her. When she comes of the ice, Chris makes his way over and she runs to him, he scoops her up and hugs her tight.
"I'm so proud of you bumble bee"
"Thanks daddy. I'm so glad your here"
"Me too"
"Mummy? Did I do good?"
I handed Lisa to Chris and crouched down, cupping her cheeks and smiling through my tears.
"Baby girl you did amazing. I'm so proud of you"

She smiles and hugs me close, as I look up I see Chris smiling with Lisa in his arms, the boys wrapped around his legs and my dad standing next to him. The Evans family standing to the side as well. This is my family, I love them dearly, I couldn't help but feel like my mum is here and she is watching over all of us and pushing us in the right direction. I think it was fate to walk into Chris that day and I think my mum had something to do with it, so I could get my happy ending.

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