New beginning

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1 year later


I love sitting in my little cafe on the side lines of a busy London street. Everything about this place just makes me breath easier. It's been a year since I left Boston and as much as it hurt, it was the right thing to do. I started seeing a therapist and a physiotherapist. I've been working on strengthening my leg again, I'll never be able to skate again in a competitive environment but I have been able to get back on the ice. It's been relaxing and very therapeutic.

I turn around and see my dad walking towards me, I can't help but laugh. He had a I heart London tshirt on and his arms were full of bags.
"Omg dad! Really?"
"What? I'm a tourist"
He sits down and we have coffee and cake together, he surprised me a few days ago with a visit and it was a wonderful and welcoming surprise. We had kept in contact since I left but to have him here physically was the most amazing thing in the world.
"So you loving London then dad?"
"So much. This place is just so quiet"
"Yeah one of the many reasons why I love it"

We talk for a few more hours, before I have to go and teach my dance lessons. I opened a dance studio. I teach children 2-7 and it's amazing.
"Right dad. Don't spend anymore money"
"I'll try not to. Have a good lesson princess"
"Thanks daddy, I'll see you soon"
He walks away, I turn to walk in the direction of my studio when I bump straight into a hard chest.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry" I look up and I can't believe the blue eyes that are staring down at me.
"Chris? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a premier. You look amazing"
"Thank you. So do you"
He smiles at me and I can't help but blush.
"How have you been?"
"Ive been really good thank you. You?"
"Yeah good. Busy with the filming and stuff"
"Stuff? Right. How's Katie?"
"I wouldn't know."
I look up at him shocked "why? I thought..."
"Kia, the baby wasn't mine. I had to get lawyers involved and wait till she was 7 months pregnant but I got a dna test done. The baby wasn't mine."

"Wow! Chris I...."
"It's ok. She had a baby girl, gave her up for adoption. Said she never wanted to be a mum. Wanted to focus on ice skating. But then....."
"But what?"
"She was arrested for drug use"
"Yeah. She used them as soon as she gave birth."
"Yeah so she's been kicked of the team and her career is done"
"Well can't say that makes me sad"
He laughs "Chris I'm sorry"

"You have nothing to apologise for. I broke your heart Kia and you will never know how sorry I am"
I smile "I know Chris, truly." I look down at my watch "I'm so sorry I've got to go. I have a dance class to teach"
"Of course. Sorry I didn't mean to keep you"
"No. It's nice to see you again"
"You too. I'll see you around Kia"
He goes to walk past me, I find myself reaching out for his hand "Chris?"
He turns "yeah?"
"Are you free tonight?"
"Yeah I am"

"Ok. Here" I pass him my business card with my numbers.
"My new number. I still have yours if it's the same"
"It is"
"Ok. Meet me for a drink. I'll text you the address and we can catch up?"
"That sounds great."
"Ok then I'll see you tonight"
"See you tonight"
I walk away and rush of to class. Feeling a sense of peace and happiness running into Chris and hoping that tonight will be a good chance to mend Bridges.

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