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It's been a few weeks since my birthday and I loved my party. It was so nice to be around everyone again after 5 years. My mum did an amazing job, she was beyond happy to have everyone around and she looked happier then I've seen her since I've been back. I spoke with Chris a lot at the party, although I was annoyed at him, he helped so much with the party and honestly I don't want any tension between us.

Mums not been doing so well these last few days, she hasn't got much energy and she has started to loose her hair. She was pretty upset when it first happened but she has started to wrap her head in silk scarves now and she wonders why she didn't just shave her head and do this in the first place. I know she is trying to put a brave face on but she's scared just as I am.

Today is particularly hard, she hasn't been able to keep any food down, she is unbelievably pale and can't stop coughing. The doctors have checked her over but there really isn't much they can do. The cancer is taking over, the chemo
And radiation isn't really doing much anymore and she is just holding on. Today I feel like I'm ready to break, to see my Ma like that and to not be able to help her is the most heartbreaking thing in this world.

I hear my mum coughing so I go to her, as I walk in she smiles at me. She ushers me to come over to her and lay down, which of course I do.
I face her and gently hold her hand, she tries her best to keep her face smiling but she just doesn't have the energy.
"Hey mama"
"My sweet girl"  she pushes some of my hair behind my ears and I can't help but let the tears flow. I haven't really cried yet, because I wanted to be strong for her.
"Oh baby, don't cry please"
"I'm sorry Ma I just, I don't want to loose you"

She pulls me closer and she cradles me against her, gently running her fingers through my hair.
"My baby girl, you listen to me ok. No matter where I am I will always be with you, I will always be watching and I will always love you. I'm so proud of the woman you are. Your amazing, loving, kind and sweet and you deserve everything in this world. I know your dreams didn't come true but sweetie you are still incredible ok. I love you"
By this point I'm a blubbering mess and cradle my self further into her arms.
"I love you too mummy"

Chris POV

I walk into the Bennet house, dropping off some food for them that my Ma has cooked. Mr Bennet is in the kitchen.
"Hey Chris"
"Hey mr Bennet, Ma sent some food over for
"Oh thank you. Your Ma is saint"
"She really is. How's Mrs Bennet?"
"Not great. She is pretty weak and can't keep any food down right now"
"I'm so sorry"
"How's Kia doing?"
"She's up there with her at the moment, she is trying to be strong but she's breaking chris. She is my princess but she has always been so close to her Ma. I don't know how she will cope if...."

I place my hand on his shoulder "we will all be here for all of you"
"Thanks chris. You've always been a good kid. Go up if you want. I'm sure Ma will love to
See you"
I nod and make my way upstairs, as I open the door, I see Kia fast asleep in her mothers arms. Her ma running her fingers gently through her hair.
"Hi chris" she whispers
"Hi Mrs Bennet"
"Come sit"
She points at the chair both of us whispering so not to wake Kia.

"She finally broke down"
I nod "she always has to be the strong one"
"Always. Chris can you promise me something?"
"Anything mrs B"
"Take care of my baby girl when I'm gone"
"Mrs B..."
"Please Chris, I have to know she will be okay"
"I promise. I'll always take care of her"
"She still loves you Chris, so much. Please don't give up on her"
"I don't think I ever could. I love her too much"
She takes my hand and squeezes "when you marry this girl, marry her at sunset outside so I can watch from above please"
I can't help the tears rolling down my cheeks "anything you ask Mrs B"
"I love you my sweet boy"
"I love you too Ma"

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