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I grabbed everything from dads list and make my way back to the house. I was still angry about Chris dating Katie but I didn't really have a say in any of that anymore. I left him after all, he moved on so I should be happy for him but Katie is my worst enemy, because of my injury she went on to have an amazing ice skating career, she was In magazines and had tv appearances, she lived the life I wanted. Katie was not the perfect little princess she made out to everyone she was. I know a dark secret about her, something that would ruin her career but I've kept it to myself, I didn't want the drama of it all. So I'm just hoping she stays away.

I head on into the house, getting it ready for Ma's return. Making sure her bed is ready and she has everything she needs. Docs said she needs to rest so I'm going to make sure that's exactly what she does. As I'm tidying I hear a knock at the door, I rush over opening it and I see a man with a huge beautiful bouquet of flowers. Taking them off him and signing for them, I head back inside placing them in a vase. I don't want to read the card because there not my flowers so I'll wait till Ma gets home.

12 o'clock on the dot, I hear my dad and Ma walk through the door. I run over, hugging her.
"How you feeling Ma?"
"I'm okay sweetie just a little tired"
"Come on let's get you to bed"
She nods and I help her up the stairs, trying to hide the pain in my leg. She doesn't need to be worrying about that.
We get her comfortable and I make sure everything is in reach for her.
"You got sent those by the way. Didn't read the card"
Ma looked and smiled "there beautiful and my favourite. Grab the card for me sweetheart"

I hand it to her and I see the big smile on her face "who sent them?"
She hands the card to me 'Hey Mrs B, I know your a tough cookie and will be back on your feet in know time. Keep that beautiful smile on your face and I'll see you soon. Love Chris xx'
"That's so sweet of him"
"Yeah it is"
"Kia? What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Let's get a movie set up for you shall we"
"Not a chick flick" my dad groans
"Hey it's Ma's choice"

Ma settles on the notebook she has always loved this film, we all settle down on the bed and I feel like a kid again, wedged between my parents watching a movie and sharing snacks. This is how I want to remember my Ma. These happy moments. My big brother should be here soon. He promised to stop by, so maybe he can stay for a bit and we can have some family time.
When the movie finishes, I look over and see both of my parents fast asleep. I carefully sneak out of the room, leaving them in peace.

I grab my phone and decide to text Chris to say thank you for her flowers.
'Hey Chris, it's Kia. Thank you for my mums flowers, they really made her smile'
I place my phone down, and finish up with a few tasks. My phone rings and I grab it seeing Chris's name.
"Hey Kia, sorry I'm driving right now so was easier to call you then text"
"No problem"
"She is welcome for the flowers by the way, wish I could do more. But I'm happy she was smiling."
"She always smiles for you Chris, it's that charming personality of yours"
He laughs "well what can I say? When you have it you just have it. How is she anyway?"
"Smooth. She is okay, her and dad are sleeping at the moment, we watched a movie and ate some snacks"
"A Bennet family movie night, I miss those. How's the leg?"
"Killing me. Was going to have another ice bath but Ma's bath ain't great"

"You could come use mine if you want?"
"No it's okay"
"Kia, stop being stubborn. It's big and I can get it ready for you. I'll come pick you up in half an hour"
"You really don't have to"
"Kia let me help please"
"Okay. I'll leave my parents a note"
"Okay. See you soon"
"See ya"

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