xandra cho

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For the applyfic Sweet Dreams by blythering

For the applyfic Sweet Dreams by blythering

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GIVEN NAME: Alexandra Yu-Mi Cho



AGE: 17

GENDER: Female


SEXUALITY: Pansexual

FACECLAIM: Sydney Park

APPEARANCE: Xandra has wavy black hair that falls just past her shoulders. The tips are dyed a dark blonde. Her eyes, so dark they're nearly black, are wide and almond-shaped. Her skin is a light golden-brown, and she's relatively tall for a girl, standing at about 5'7. Her frame is slender, and she has few curves. Xandra typically wears very dramatic makeup, often going for an "edgy" or "dark" look. She usually leaves her hair down, and dresses in an alternative/punk style. She has a tattoo on her arm of a sound wave.

PERSONALITY: You may think that Xandra has no emotions—which is just what she wants you to think. She's cold, like a stone wall, and likes it that way. To Xandra, feeling things gets you hurt. And she doesn't like to get hurt. She does have feelings, though, no matter how much she tries to hide it. She has too many to deal with, actually. She struggles with mental illness (not that anyone knows that), namely depression and a severe case of ADHD. This combination results in Xandra having more going on in her head than she knows what to do with, so she tends to shut down. However, Xandra has a love of parties that can't be shaken. When she's letting loose to music, she changes, becomes different. Bubbly, almost; bright and effervescent. Parties let her release her emotions, and that's what she needs sometimes. Another thing about her—most can see that Xandra is not stupid, at the very least, but she's much smarter than she lets on. Her mom thinks she failed junior year (the first time) on purpose, because she knows Xandra's more than capable of doing the work. Of course, she's by no means a genius, but she's more intelligent than she lets people believe.

LIKES + DISLIKES: Xandra likes partying and dancing and the buzz of alcohol. She loves the release that comes with a crush of people and loud music. Xandra has an interest in learning to DJ, and loves music. She also likes fighting video games and running, which she's just picked up at her therapist's urging. It sometimes helps with her ADHD. Xandra doesn't like school—predictable, but Xandra honestly hates it. It bores her, and she can't concentrate. She dislikes overly friendly people and group activities—there's a reason Xandra acts so cold, and it's because she hates people who act all bubbly and friendly. She doesn't like being forced into conversation or to "make friends". It all seems so fake to her. Also, coffee—it doesn't do anything for her, what with the ADHD—and anime—no shade, but Xandra thinks it's weird. Really weird. She's afraid of heights.

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