luis belmont

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For the applyfic Gentry by curiosityanddreams

For the applyfic Gentry by curiosityanddreams

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NAME: Jean-Luis Hugo Artur Belmont

NICKNAMES: Luis, Hugo—he prefers the former

AGE: 19

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, he/him

SEXUALITY: Pansexual, closeted

FACE CLAIM: Evan Peters

PERSONALITY: Luis is probably the most scatterbrained person you'll ever find at this school. He often shows up late to class, his room is a disaster, and he forgets his homework half the time. And yet teachers tend to like him. He's charismatic and easy to get along with, being rather easygoing. He's also, quite honestly, a good artist. Luis isn't one to brag (though he never argues when paid a compliment), but his art is good. Very good, in fact. Luis finds art to be a calming experience, which is a bit on the hippy side for someone with his family, but it's true. Luis is calmed by painting and drawing, and uses it as almost a journaling exercise. Luis is easily embarrassed, however, something many have taken advantage of in the past. Similarly, he can be a bit of a rebel—he almost went to a different school entirely just to stick it to his maman. But he didn't, and he's here now, so there's only so much he can do.

FLAWS: Luis' major flaw is his absent-mindedness, which is not entirely a choice—but is more often than not. He is carefree and honestly doesn't care much for his responsibilities. He can also be vindictive, though this shows itself less. Luis is the sort of person who is both stuck-up and humble at the same time, somehow, and is used to having everything handed to him.

BACKSTORY: Jean-Luis Hugo Artur Belmont was born the only child of Elias Belmont, an American old-money heir, and his French wife Éloïse. Luis was born into privilege, and had a childhood marked by grand vacation homes and the patter of French lilting through the hallways. His childhood was boring, to be frank. Luis was educated at the finest schools, even as early as four years old, and encouraged to pursue what made him happy—and made money. From an early age, though, art was Luis' life. He was always drawing or painting, from stick figures and finger paints to the art projects he did in high school. Luis' maman encouraged him, seeing her son as an international star, but his father wasn't too fond. He got over it, though, luckily. As a teenager, Luis became more rebellious, hanging out with kids his parents didn't approve of and getting into trouble—nothing his father's money couldn't smooth over, but still. He grew rather tired of the rich, upper-class, "only the best" sort of life he'd been raised with. He wanted to make his own path, not get handed everything because he was a Belmont. At the same time, though, Luis still does expect everything he wanted to be easy, and is shocked when things don't go his way. Luis doesn't have much by way of hobbies—he enjoys concerts, and collecting vintage records. He's never played sports besides children's soccer at five or six. Now Luis is prepared to begin his college career, though it isn't quite the way he wanted—this place reminds him far too much of the world he grew up in, sometimes.

FAMILY: Elias Edgar Gerard Belmont, father, 44. Éloïse Magdalene Belmont, mother, 41.

LIKES/DISLIKES/FEARS: Luis likes painting, loud music, drawing, records, making people laugh, calm environments, muted and dark colors, hot tea (especially lavender), graphic tees, and cheese crackers. He dislikes the sort of stuffy old-money house he grew up in, stereotypes, the expectations his parents put on him, dogs, hiking, charcoals (too dark for him), taking baths, salty foods, the opera, and coffee. He fears turning into his father, blood (he will pass out), death, and dark waters.

MAJOR: Visual art, specifically painting and drawing.

SONGS: Rebellion by Linkin Park; Ordinary World by Red; Rock Show by Halestorm

QUOTES: "Does it really matter? Honestly, I think I'm doing just fine without that pesky...homework." "I'm not just some rich kid, all right?"

ADDITIONAL TRIVIA: Luis very much has "rebellious royal" syndrome, as seen in nearly every YA book. He is used to his life of privilege, but feels like he either doesn't deserve it or shouldn't have it. However, he finds it difficult to fully give it up. He's a hopeless romantic, and wants a love and family of his own.

 He's a hopeless romantic, and wants a love and family of his own

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applyfic status: complete!

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