maja havel

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For the applyfic Playing Monster by Coruscant_Cosmonaut

For the applyfic Playing Monster by Coruscant_Cosmonaut

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FULL NAME: Maja Havel

NICKNAME: The Shadow


AGE: 17

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, she/her

SEXUALITY: Asexual Aromantic

GRISHA ORDER: Materialki, Durast

APPEARENCE: Maja has very messy, oft-tangled brown hair. It is, technically, somewhere between wavy and curly (2b or 2c), though some sections are braided and the rest she doesn't do much with. She washes her hair, of course, but Maja doesn't care much for her appearance and it shows with her hair. Her eyes are blue, a brilliant Fjerdan blue—a fact that Maja isn't exactly fond of. She is pretty pale, for a dark-skinned woman; Maja spends a great deal of her time indoors, the rest of it under trees and heavy hoods, thus her skin looks somewhere between gray and light brown. Her lips are quite full, as well, and Maja has high cheekbones. She stands at five feet six inches tall, though can seem shorter. Her frame is very slender, almost as though she does not eat enough, and there is extremely little muscle on her. In the wrong lights, she looks more like a corpse than a girl. Maja dresses almost exclusively in her kefta, though when she does not, she prefers modest clothes and trousers.

PERSONALITY: Maja is incredibly quiet. Sneaky is probably more the right word, in fact. It's near-impossible to hear her coming unless she wants you to. She is called the Shadow for a reason, after all. Like a cat, Maja moves silently and keeps many things to herself. She holds secrets that she should not know, and has explored every inch of the Little Palace—mostly in the middle of the night. Except the Darkling's rooms. She has never ventured there. Maja holds many strong opinions and is known for letting them show, at least to those who know her well. She's never been afraid of letting others know how she feels. Maja's boldness can be her downfall, as it is often combined with a stubbornness that's hard to ignore. This combination has tended, in the past, to drive away those who might have been her friends. Maja prefers to call herself passionate, of course, rather than "hostile". She cares deeply about what she believes, even if it's wrong. Standing by what she feels is something Maja is proud of, in fact, and it's quite easy to tell. Maja also has a habit of not caring what others think of her. She carries herself in such a way that the negative words and sneers of others roll right off her back, leaving Maja with her head held high. The only opinion she truly cares about is that of the Darkling—and that is only because Maja is well aware he can end her life any time he wants to. Maja is bold, though some could call her reckless. She doesn't care much for consequences and is up for almost any risk. She's a daredevil, you could say, and you wouldn't be entirely wrong. Maja does whatever she wants, and no one can truly stop her. However, this recklessness can lead her straight into danger or situations that she doesn't have a good plan to get out of. That's the thing about Maja—she doesn't plan. She claims that plans are for those who aren't creative enough to think on the fly, and she certainly is creative. She's lived this long—isn't that enough proof that her way is superior? Maya's confidence may one day be her downfall, but for now she is content with her skill and determined to stay alive no matter the cost.

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