chrys rosealba

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For the applyfic Bellicose by stxr-touchdqueen

For the applyfic Bellicose by stxr-touchdqueen

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ROLE: witch from Bellicose

NAME: Chrysanthemum Hildegard Rosealba

NICKNAMES: Chrys; Chryssie

FACECLAIMS: Caitlin Stasey

GENDER: Female, she/her, but in a queer way


AGE: 19


SKILLS: Research, writing, and a is decent actress.


PERSONALITY: Chrys is outgoing, friendly, and loud. She makes quite the first impression, being somewhat dramatic and not afraid to show it. She likes to be the center of attention, the one everyone's eyes are on, and she does whatever she can to get that. Chrys makes friends with almost everyone she meets, being very open and easy to talk to, though she does have a tendency to talk incessantly. She's often sarcastic, to the point where it's hard to tell if she's serious or not. However, Chrys is a very driven sort of person. She's dedicated to her studies and loves writing—it's her life. Chrys has a habit of losing herself in a book or in her work and not paying attention to anything around her. It's easy to catch Chrys off-guard and surprise her. She can also be a little self-centered, though it's not really on purpose. She does care about other people, she just...cares about herself a whole lot more.

BACKSTORY: Growing up, Chrys was always the creative sibling. She grew up with three siblings—older brother Rhondrey (Ro), and younger sisters Calanthe and Azalea. Both their parents were magical—her father a pureblood and her mother a half-blood. Chrys was always creating as a child, making up stories and playing pretend with her siblings. She had—and still does have—a very active imagination. Some would say overactive. She read a lot, and tended to get distracted in primary school with daydreams or books—or daydreams about books. She was pretty fun as a kid, really, even though she could be self-centered and all "me me me". At age eleven, following her brother by three years, Chrys began attending Hogwarts. Her father was one of those alerted to the rise of Grindelwald early, being an auror himself. Chrys always wanted to follow in his footsteps, and so took the requisite classes and signed up for auror training as soon as she could after school. As for joining Bellicose... well, Chrys has always been a rather free-spirited type, and certainly has the ability to recognize when a system isn't working. She saw rather quickly the cracks in the system, and when she heard of a group of young aurors trying to make a change, she knew she had to be a part of it.

LIKES: Art, piano music, pretty skirts, cigarettes, researching, staying up late, tea, cool weather, cats, her family, learning new things, pretty people

DISLIKES: Alcohol, hot weather, insects, high heels, being awake before nine in the morning, soft drinks, oranges, neon colors, rats.

FEARS: Death, the prospect of being socially outcast, rats.

HABITS/HABITS WHEN NERVOUS: Chrys has a nasty habit of smoking when she's anxious or thinking hard. She smirks a lot. If she's anxious or scared, she'll repeat short phrases when talking.

QUOTES: "I hope you know how much you mean to me." "Look, I won't just sit around and do nothing when- when there's something I can do." "I've done the research, I know what we're up against."

applyfic status: ongoing!

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applyfic status: ongoing!

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