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When the ship docked at Os Kervo, Dionne snuck out disguised as one of the kitchen crew. The kitchen crew didn't seem to care; they looked too overworked to give two shits. Now was the wonderful prospect of finding transport to Os Alta.

Or, what remained of it.

Most carriages and other forms of transport didn't touch Os Alta with a ten foot stick. So that left stealing a horse.

Did she know how to ride a horse? Well, barely.

That also left the prospect of the Unsea, finding routes to Os Alta, getting supplies so she didn't die on the way–

Ghezen. She really wished she smuggled Lua along with her so she could solve all her problems.

She dug around in her pocket and found the wallet she had stolen from one of the crew as she was leaving. Not exactly the most charitable way of getting your money, but hey, if it works, it works.

She found a carriage driver within minutes of stepping into the bustling harbor city. She tapped his shoulder.

"Saints, girl! You know how to sneak up on a man!" he exclaimed. Thankfully, Dionne had done enough thinking ahead to brush up on her Ravkan long before she stepped foot on the ship.

"I was just wondering if you'd take me to Os Alta?" Of course, if he said no, she'd steal his shit and be on her way. But it was worth asking, wasn't it?

"Os Alta?" The driver huffed a laugh. "Haven't heard that name in ages. What're you payin' me?"

She blinked, comprehending. She handed over the wallet; lined with kruge and other bits of currency from other countries.

"All this?" he took the wallet and counted the contents. He shrugged. "I can stop ya within walking distance of the palace."

"... Forgive me for asking, but do you have any will to live?"

"No one with any sense does these days. Get in."

Dionne shuffled in without another word, tucking herself into the patchworked seats and ripped cushions. At least this time, she wasn't giving her future self back problems.

And thus the carriage ride began, winding into the streets of Os Kervo. For better or for worse.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 | GRISHAVERSE OC FICWhere stories live. Discover now