tom holland prompt blurb (angst to fluff)

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prompt: "Please don't go on that date" "Why" "Because it will kill me if you do"

"Tom come on, I have to go," you said, trying to dodge the boy's body to head out the door to go on a date.

"You can't you forgot to um," he started clearly searching for something that didn't exist. You raised your eyebrow at him, crossing your arms over your chest growing impatient.

"I forgot to what?"

"Do the laundry. It's your turn I did it last week," he nodded. You closed your eyes taking a deep breath, calming any anger you felt rising in your stomach.

"Don't be ridiculous you div, I can do it when I get home."

"But what if I need it now?"

"Then do it yourself, I'm going to be late."

"But Y/nnnn," he whined, pouting like a child, "you can't go." You bit your lip to hold back your laugh at how absolutely ridiculous he was being.

"And why is that? I've already had to reschedule this date twice Tommy," you sighed. Tom huffed with a grumble under his breath.

"Wouldn't you rather just stay here? We can watch movies and I'll order takeout or something," he suggested.

"We do that every night, I'll only be gone for like 3 hours, I'll always come back to you, you know that," you said. He shut his eyes tightly letting the back of his head hit the door.

"You can't just say stuff like that Y/n," he spoke softly after a minute of silence, shaking his head against the wood.

"Tom, look at me," you demanded gently with furrowed eyebrows, reaching to grab his hands.

He intertwined your fingers quickly like your hands were made for him. Swallowing hard, he forced his eyes open, looking back at you, revealing his tear-filled eyes.

"Please don't go on that date," he whispered, grasping your hands tightly to make sure you wouldn't slip away from him.

"Why?" you breathed.

"Because it will kill me if you do," he answered.

"Oh Tommy," you sighed, cupping his face, "I love you."

"You do?" he asked with wide eyes. You giggled before nodding and connecting your lips with his.

"I really do."

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