tom holland pregnancy blurb series

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You were only three months pregnant, but you were finally starting to show. You stood in front of the mirror and turned to the side with a wide smile and tear-filled eyes.

"Tommy!" you yelled, running your hand over your stomach lovingly. He busted into the room with wide eyes, his chest heaving.

"What is it? Are you okay? Is bub okay?" he asked quickly.

"Look," you whispered, looking at him through the mirror. His eyes trailed down your body and he froze as he landed on your bump. It was small and you really couldn't see it if they weren't looking for it, but for you both it was everything. Of course at 24, and living with your mates and boyfriend's brother, you weren't expecting to get pregnant, but everyone was very excited.

Tom gasped, walking closer to you, to place his hands on your protruding stomach. He smiled, sending you the same lopsided grin that made you fall every single time. Pressing a kiss to your lips, he made his way down your body with open-mouth kisses, stopping when he was on his knees, his nose nudging against your stomach. He rubbed your hips gently as he pressed the softest kisses along your skin.

"I know you can't hear me yet, but daddy and mummy love you so much," he whispered with a sniffle, following up with another group of kisses.

"Can't wait to meet you," he grinned, rubbing his nose against you causing you to giggle from you. He stood back up to meet your lips, which was short-lived since both of you had such big smiles on your face.

"I love you," he said softly, placing his forehead on yours.


It was a quiet night and Tom, Harry, and Harrison had gone out golfing. You had been throwing up all morning, so you decided to stay in and have a movie night which Tuwaine happily joined in.

Tom was hesitant to leave you but after you and Tuwaine promised over and over that you would be fine and Tom made Tuwaine swear on his life he would text you if you needed anything- and he meant anything.

He practically had to be dragged out the door by Harry and you couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculously cute pout on his lips. You now sat at your favorite corner of the couch, wrapped in your favorite hoodies of Tom's, underneath the blanket he bought you for one of your first valentine's days together. You had convinced Tuwaine to watch movies with Tom in them because there was nothing you loved more than to watch your boyfriend in action, but now you were deeply regretting that decision as you watched that dreaded scene in Infinity War. Your eyes immediately welled up with tears, watching characters disintegrate in front of your eyes. You sniffled as you heard your boyfriend talk to Tony Stark, trying to hold in your tears as best as possible.

"Y/n? You okay?" Tuwaine asked, looking over at you. You nodded, not breaking eye contact from the screen. He looked back and forth between you and the scene, his eyes widening as you let out a sob at the sight of Tom disappearing. He wasn't really sure what to do and he had never been more thankful to hear the sound of Tom's voice walking through the front of the house.

You would think Tom was actually Peter Parker, the way he immediately rushed over to you knowing something was wrong.

"What did you do? I'll kill you," Tom threatened quietly, glaring at Tuwaine before gathering you in his arms, cooing and shushing you.

"What happened darling?" he asked, pulling back to look at you, brushing away your tears.

"Y-you died!" you cried, pushing your head into his chest. Harrison couldn't help but chuckle at you, causing a glare from Tom and a warning glare in Harry's direction in case he decided to follow in the blonde's footsteps. Harry put his hands up in surrender, a silent chuckle leaving his lips, as he strolled out of the room.

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