untilted fluff- tom holland

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a/n: this one feels,,, unfinished?? sorry about that haha! they arent all this bad (i hope)

Tom was exhausted.

It had been a long day of filming, having to redo stunts over and over again trying to get every scene absolutely perfect. His body was tired, sore, and overworked to say the least. With a deep relieved sigh, he entered his Atlanta rental home, a soft smile gracing as lips as he called out for you.

"Darling, I'm home," he spoke softly, noticing the warm light floating out from your temporary bedroom. He made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and furrowing his eyebrows at the lack of greeting from you. By now you usually would have made your way out to him, welcoming him home with a kiss on his lips, but now all he heard was the soft buzzing of the air that worked to combat the Atlanta heat. He walked towards the bedroom, his lips turning downward slightly at the sight of you fast asleep on top of all of your schoolwork.

In order for you to come to Atlanta with Tom, you had to switch all of your uni classes to online, in turn creating nearly double the workload than if you would have stayed back in London. Tom had been worried about you, but you promised you had it all under control, and in the crazy whirlwind of his schedule he didn't even realize how exhausted you were making yourself.

Walking over to the bed, he picked up your notebook, all your pens, highlighters, and other necessary writing utensils, and your laptop, placing them neatly inside your backpack to zip it up and put it out of the way. He made his way to the bathroom, making quick work to run you a bath before returning to you. He crouched next to you, placing his hand on your cheek and smiling at how you leaned into his touch.

"Baby," he whispered, running his thumb down your skin as he spoke. You furrowed your brow, letting out a sound of disapproval trying your best to reach for him blindly to pull him closer before letting out a whine.

"Wake up sweetheart, 'm right here," he cooed, pressing his lips to your face to smooth out the crease between your brows. You let out a yawn before fluttering your eyes open, the corners of your mouth lifting into a sweet smile.

"Hi," you whispered, before another yawn, "missed you."

"Hi love, I missed you," he smiled, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips, "I ran you a bath."

"Mmm that sounds lovely, but I need to finish my homework," you frowned, looking around for your school stuff. Tom's hand drew your chin back towards him.

"Why don't you take a break hm? Working too hard darling," he spoke, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear, relishing in the way you let out a happy sigh at his touch, "just let me take care of you tonight yeah?"

"That sounds nice, yeah," you agreed with a nod, pushing yourself up to meet his lips once again. He smiled against your mouth before reluctantly pulling back, looking into your overly exhausted eyes remembering the task at hand.

"Come on lover, let's get you into the bath before the water gets cold, did you eat dinner?" he asked, taking your hand to help you off the bed and leading you to the bathroom.

"No, was trying to wait for you," you admitted sheepishly.

"Okay baby, I'll go order some food so it'll be here by the time you get out," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead and going to make his way out of the bathroom. You quickly grabbed onto his shirt, Tom turning around revealing a deep pout on your lips.

"You're not getting in with me?" you frowned, moving your hand down his arm to pull them around your waist before pushing your head into his chest.

"I didn't know if you would want company."

"Always want your company, Tommy," you mumbled, pressing your lips to the skin of his neck before letting out another yawn.

"Come on then baby," he smiled, rubbing your back a few times before his fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt waiting for your permission. Once you nodded, he helped you undress before doing the same and stepping into the tub to get comfortable, holding out his hand to help you step in.

You sigh as soon as you sink into the hot water, leaning back comfortably in Tom's arms. 

Holland, Osterfield and Peter Parker OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang