harrison sticking up to your parents for you

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Being a middle child was never a fun time for you. Your parents often forgot about you, focusing their attention on their oldest and their baby. You moved out the day you turned 18, not that your parents cared very much. They didn't approve of the decision for you to go to college for art, no matter how much you loved it. Especially after your older sister went into medical school and your younger sister planned to go into law. They also didn't love the fact that your long-time boyfriend Harrison was an actor and didn't have a job that was constantly going to be there to support him or you.

So it was safe to say when you got the call for a family dinner, you really weren't looking forward to it. You had been sitting in your room debating on what to wear for over 30 minutes, trying to keep out of your parent's line of fire for the night.

"Hey love you almost ready?" Harrison said walking into your room.

"I'm not going," you decided with a groan, dropping back onto your bed.

"Come on love, you know you have to," he said grabbing your hands to pull you up. He convinced you to get dressed and soon enough you were on your way to your own personal hell.

The first few minutes had been fine, sitting around the table with your sisters, their boyfriends, and your parents. That was until they started talking about working. Congratulating your older sister for getting a promotion, gushing about how proud they were of your younger sister for almost completing her degree, and conveniently skipping over you.

Harrison could tell you were uncomfortable as you just simply stared down at your plate and moved the food around with your fork.

"Y/n, are you still caught up on that art dream of yours?" your dad asked.

"Um yeah I guess so," you shrugged with a swallow, "But-"

"Stupid stupid girl," he shook his head with a click of his tongue, "look at your sisters, in med and law and you're doing what? Running around having fun."


"Did you know that Y/n's senior year during her art show she was scouted out and now they want her to do a solo show at the NOW gallery? Did you know that just this year alone your daughter, yeah this one right year has made more commission for 'having fun' than both of your med and law student daughters have? I mean no disrespect really Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n but seriously your daughter is amazing and talented so to sit here and ridicule her for her life choice is fucking ridiculous," Harrison spat, before pushing out his chair and walking out the front door. You stared at your parents with wide eyes for a second before getting up to run after him.

"Harrison!" you called, slamming the front door behind you.

"I'm sorry darling I really am but I couldn't let them sit there and talk about you like that," he said taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"You didn't have to do that," you sighed, pulling him in to hug you.

"I love you, of course, I'm gonna defend you like that," he mumbled into your hair before pressing his lips to your forehead.

"Thank you," you whispered, leaning up to meet your lips to his, "Now let's get out of here please."

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