firefighter!tom (angst to fluff)

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a/n: this one is pretty long and one of my favorites

When you were two years old, your dad would take you with him to the Watford Fire Station where he had worked for the majority of his life. While these memories were a bit blurry, they were relieved constantly by the evidence of the photos of you with a badge that was clearly made out of cheap plastic and a bright yellow helmet that hung over your eyes no matter how many times you tried to push it up. When you were old enough to walk, and you could finally poorly mispronounce the word 'fire truck' he let you onto the big red vehicle, even letting you hit the horn as many times as you desired and on occasion letting you set off the siren.

Your mum often would get annoyed at this, shaking her head with an eye roll at her child and her husband who often made her believe she had two children instead of one, but she would never deny that the sight of you sitting on your father's lap, bouncing up and down, a laugh bubbling from your throat as the sirens blared above was a sight that repeated in her mind quite often. You were 11 when you decided you wanted to be a firefighter. You wanted to be just like your dad, your best friend, dressing in his gear every day and saving lives. For Christmas that year, your parents got you your own jacket just like his which your mom had to slip off of you while you were sleeping in order to wash it because you refused to take it off during any second of the day.

At the age of 16, you vividly remember the night you heard the news that your father had died.

Usually, on the nights when your dad was stuck at work, which unfortunately was more often than not, you convinced your mum to eat dinner in front of the telly and that night was one of those nights. As usual, you had your routine goodnight call with your dad, just like you had done since you could remember. After a final I love you and goodnight, you drug two tv tables into the living room while your mum made your plates.

She carried them in for you with a smile, settling in her chair and watching as you did the same on the couch, happily and quickly digging into the plate in front of you.

"Ugh, do we really have to watch the news?" you asked with your mouth full.

"Y/n/n do not speak with your mouth full, you really just are like your father," she chasted lightly, a laugh leaving her lips as she turned the volume up.

"Just let me watch for a few minutes and you can watch whatever it is that you watch," she said, making you groan but agree. You took a few more bites, fighting yawns at the boring voices of the newscaster on the screen who was covering something about the local sports that you knew your mum didn't really care about.

"Sorry to interrupt folks but it looks like we have some breaking news. A few minutes ago police, ambulance, and fire departments were called to the scene of what sounds to be the worst house fire seen in nearly 15 years, we have Sophia down at the scene."

"Thanks, Daniel. As you guys can see this scene is truly just chaos. The fire was said to have started in the kitchen and spread rapidly throughout the house claiming the lives of 3 victims, one being the homeowner and two of the local fire department. Those victims have not yet been identified but we will keep you posted, back to you Daniel."

The room seemed to grow eerily silent as your stomach churned, your mom dropping her silverware, letting it clink against the ceramic of the plate before rushing into the kitchen to pull out her phone. Your heart raced against your chest as your ears rang, watching her frantically pace around with her hand in her hair, her phone forcefully pressed against her ear with fearful tears in her eyes. She banged her fist against the counter making you jump and the tears that had welled in your eyes fall down your cheeks, watching as she dialed another number. You couldn't hear her, the world felt like it was crashing down around you as you watched your mum scream and cry into the phone, her knees buckling beneath her as she fell to the kitchen floor.

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