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"Girl! FUCK HIM! You ain't do shit!" Ginger said as she paced around my room. It was now 7pm and I had called Ginger over as soon as I got home to tell her what happened. I had 4 hours to decide whether or not I still wanted to pop up at this man's house for his party.

"He kissed YOU! You didn't kiss him! If he thought that you were too tempting he could have simply moved the fuck back, got the fuck up or exited the room! It's not your fault!" She said in annoyance as she sat on my bed with crossed arms. Her leg was shaking in a fast manner, something she usually did when she was irritated.

"I know Gin..I just don't wanna pop up over there and then he kick me out.." I said as I stared at the outfit I had laid out..I was trying to be bolder and stand up for myself since I was gonna be here for another month by myself and anything could happen in 4 weeks.

"Girl. Fuck him. I'm going with you, he ain't gone kick me outta shit!" Ginger said as she stood up with her hands clasped. Ginger has always been a fighter, she only stopped because the last person she fought threatened to press charges and the district threatened to kick her out of the school system if she kept on.

She always made good grades and made good attendance which is why she got so many chances, but it was crazy how many people were jealous of that and tried to bitch her by calling her a teacher's pet or a goody tooshoos. Ginger couldn't be bullied. There was no such thing when it came to her.

"I- y'know what..fine. We can go, but I ain't getting into SHIT because of you..I'm gonna leave you standing there and go to my car." Ginger shrugged as she went to the car to grab her overnight bag.

I was half lying as I had hoped and prayed he wouldn't say anything and he would actually be quite happy to see me. I still had an ounce of hope because there was a reason that he did that. A reason he leaned back in and a reason why he wanted our lips to connect. I wasn't gonna feel bad for something I didn't do, a problem between us I didn't cause.

I heard the door open and close revealing Ginger with her bag. She placed it on the bed as she pulled her outfit out as well. 

And set it beside mine on the foot of the bed.

(A/N: their outfits are in the above section, I didn't even realize they didn't shooowwww) 

We both ended up ordering some food and playing GTA until we got tired, which wasn't the best timing since it was around 9 and we needed to start getting ready now since Ginger and I had to do our hair and makeup. She began the shower as I had begun ironing her clothes for her, once done, I began on my hair.

I decided to do a high ponytail and put curlers in at the bottom to make the ends curly and then do a natural makeup look.

I went into the bar area and grabbed some shot glasses and took 4 shots of Patron. I had decided on an uber tonight since I wanted to drink. It was way too much going on this week and I needed to let loose a little.

I heard the shower stop as my body began to get hot from the shots. I was getting drunk a little faster since it has been a while since I drank. I knew I was probably making a mistake getting drunk tonight, it could go either way at this point. I could get really rowdy and ruin Jah's party or I could just get a little bit of liquid courage and say whatever I need to say or whatever I feel.

Ginger then came out wrapped in a towel as I began to go in, I wrapped my hair up and got into the shower thoroughly cleaning my body the best way I could since my vision was starting to get a little blurry. I was giggling here and there to myself at how stupid I must have looked gliding the washcloth against my body.

I then heard the door open as Ginger moved the curtains to the side now fully dressed and in hair and makeup.

"Bitch. You might wanna hurry up, the uber is 13 minutes away." She said as she closed the curtains back, I hadn't even realized I had spent that much time in the shower already. I reached to turn the water off and got out to begin on my makeup.

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