I need you in my life.

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"C'mon Vanity stop being such a pussy, you'll be fine!" My friend Ginger said as she grabbed my arm as we walked into the tattoo shop, damn near dragging me in. The bell to the door chimed as the graffitied wall spelt out "INK-N-KOLOR" in bold, black and purple letters with crazy graphics and designs around it.

I had no idea how I had gotten here after only 4 shots of Patron, but, I was here.

It was me, my friend Ginger, Alexis, and Shy. The only people crowding the front area of the tattoo shop, it had just struck 12am, welcoming in the new year of 2018.

Every year we had agreed to do something random and impulsive to start off the new year and commemorate our long friendship with each other.

In 2014, we went on a random road trip around Florida until we landed at the beach, got high off shrooms, and fell asleep in the car.

In 2015, we egged one of our exes' houses, in 2016 we went and got fake IDs made..you get the point and I guess getting friendship tattoos was the move for 2018. I had never gotten a tattoo, I didn't even like needles.

I always avoided giving my mother the paperwork the school would send with us home to return to the nursing office which required us to get our shots for the year. I didn't like things going into my skin or poking me, it made me highly uncomfortable.

Yet, here I was at the hottest tattoo shop in Miami about to get a tattoo that I will more than likely regret when I'm in my right mind, which I kinda feel like I am since the smell of ink has sobered me up a little and my heart began to pump as I looked at the artworks of past clients onto the wall. The redness around the skin really did something to my insides in the cringiest way possible.

A bald guy with a tattoo covering the crown of his head down to his neck and his arms came to the front. He had pretty strong features, tired looking eyes, he looked kind of scary. Before he could even get a word out my friend began to blurt out

"4 tattoos please!" The guy laughed and shook his head as he looked down into his appointment book

"Alright...is there any inspiration? Any pics you have for me?" I looked at my friends as they looked as lost as ever. I then began to step up and talk to the guy

"Sorry...um, do you have anything that friend groups usually come in and get. This is all of our first tattoos and we kinda wanted it to be a tribute to our 4-year long friendship.." He then nodded and began to search through the tattoo book that they had in the shop. He placed the book on the counter for us to look through

"Okay, that should be no problem, that's usually something groups like yourselves come in to get on their birthdays or new years as well. So, it shouldn't be anything too timely or difficult,  I'll go in the back and let my artist know so he can prepare and then we can get started if that's cool." I wanted to nod "no" and let him know I was here against my will but, all I could do was smile stupidly.

He gave me a quick smile and left to the back again.

He was actually quite nice despite his scary appearance.

I wasn't even looking through the book with my friends. I opted to sit on the black leather couch near the front door just in case they had a change of heart. I had no idea what I was doing or what I may have just gotten myself into. My thoughts consumed me as I looked around the shop. It was a nice, clean, and chic shop.

I had heard of the shop all around Florida, many celebrities who lived here were regulars and often posted the shop's work on their instagram stories drawing more customers and attention. The shop had over 300,000 followers on Instagram and 20,000 on twitter, It was a nice and chic shop with black and purple accents to it. The floors were marbled and freshly shined, the walls were nice, clean, and white..besides the graffiti. It looked expensive, no doubt these little tattoos would be at least $100.

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