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fairfax iron

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Leighton's soft voice spoke as she entered the room. "Your assistant let me in."

I quickly sat up in my seat, letting go of a relieved sigh once I saw the girl. I was for sure that I wasn't going to see her again, for a while anyway. But here she was, taking a seat next to me.

"Like I was saying, our service is just as good as our larger competitors, and we don't need to chase down cut-rate jobs." I smiled, although my heart was racing. I placed my hand out of the couch, hoping that Leighton would see.

Thankfully, it took less than a second for her hand to link with mine. I allowed myself to relax, knowing that me been stressed about getting this job wasn't going to help.

"You lie like a politician. But I started out in casinos, Mr Lockwood. I can always spot a bluff." John Fairfax spoke with a smirk playing on his face.

George leant forward from his seat next to Lucy.

"Do you think you'll get discretion from Fittes and Rotwell? Every decision they make gets debated by committee." George's brows were furrowed as he spoke.

I turned to look at Leighton, to check that she was okay. She looked shaken up, a little more shell shocked than usual, but physically appeared okay.

"And you need something more nimble." Lucy added on. "Like us. A small independent."

Leighton offered me a tight lip smile. Her hand squeezing mine, attempting to reassure me. The one small action gave me the confidence to speak up again,

"We are the only agency who can do this job the way you need it doing." I made sure to puff my chest slightly, to appear more confident than I actually was.

Truthfully, John Fairfax was an idol of mine, one that Leighton always used to make fun of me for. But I could take her small quiet remarks about me liking Fairfax.

"Nice pitch, but I work very closely with DEPRAC and I don't think this is a job they'll let you do." Fairfax shook his head in dismissal.

My mouth opened, but no words were coming out. Leighton's hand rested on my bicep, she adjusted her shirt slightly, lowering it, batting her eyelashes as she did so, before saying,

"I think, Mr Fairfax, that's why it'll be a good idea if it's just our little secret."

I couldn't take my eyes off the girl. Was she seriously trying to seduce John Fairfax into staying quiet? I watched as John thought about everything for a minute before running his hand over his face and saying,

"Deal. But I won't pay you a penny more than the fine you owe DEPRAC. What is it? 40? 50?" Fairfax asked.

"60 actually. You're obviously a busy man, Sir John, so let's keep it simple." I sat forward again, concealing Leighton's body from Fairfax's eye line. "You pay our fine, and we'll fix your house. So we have a deal?"

After John Fairfax agreed to the deal, we tried to get out of there as quick as possible before he could change his mind. I linked my hand with Leighton's my eyes flickering to her cleavage slightly, making her smirk in response.

"60 grand! He's paying us 60 grand!" Lucy stated excitedly as we walked down the stairs.

"But we haven't got it yet. And we've gotta move fast." I stated. "Lucy, get us packed and prepped. George, find out everything you can about Combe Carey Hall, alright? We're gonna go to Satchell's, find out what help we can get that doesn't explode."

I paused, looking at Leighton waiting for her to disagree. Usually, whenever she spoke to her family she would distance again, so right now, I was just waiting for the inevitable.

"We'll see you guys at home." Leighton smiled, pulling me in the opposite direction to the others.

I didn't even let her leave the Fairfax Iron building before I pulled her into an empty room. Her lips parted slightly, mainly in shock and confusion as to what was happening.

The room was dark, so dark that I could only just see the girl.

"You're staying?" I asked, unable to hold in the question anymore. My chest felt tight with the uncertainty.

"If you want me to." She responded sheepishly, fiddling with the ends of her top and looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact with me.

I stepped forward, using my index finger to tilt her head up to look at me. My eyes softened, and my lips curled upwards.

"Of course I want you to stay." I whispered breathlessly. She let go of a small chuckle, her warm breath mingling with mine. Leighton's hand raised to rest on my chest.

"Your hearts racing." She whispered gently.

I hummed in response, tucking a piece of hair behind her hair, my thumb trailing down her jaw and over her bottom lip. She had me wrapped around her little finger.

I couldn't even think straight when I was looking at her. My whole thoughts were crowded by the idea of her been so close to me, the idea of me kissing her, sleeping in the same bed together, everything-

"Lockwood, the door." Leighton snapped, making me grip her wrist and pull her around the corner.

My finger rested on her lip, my other hand resting against her waist. The gap was small, so our chest were pressed together, our nose's brushing as I lowered my finger from her lip.

I couldn't help but allow my eyes to flicker down to her lips. God. I wondered if she felt the same. If she wanted to defy all odds and just kiss me.

"I think they're gone." She whispered, her lips brushing mine as she spoke, which drove me insane.

"Not yet." I mumbled, although I too was sure that I heard the person leave. I didn't want to stay here just to be sure, I wanted to stay here to feel this close to Leighton.

"Lockwood." The way she spoke sounded so pleading.

God, she was driving me insane.

Her hands raised, resting on my shoulders, her hands tangling themselves in hair hair. I closed my eyes and let go of a throaty hum. My grip on her waist tightened, causing her to whimper.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, opening my eyes to look at the girl.

"What are you doing?" Leighton asked with a nervous laugh. Her tongue wetting her bottom lip. There was a silence that filled us, all that could be heard was our deep breaths. "Do you want to kiss me, Lockwood?"


I couldn't even hold back anymore. I just slammed my lips against hers, pulling her as close as possible. Our lips moulded perfectly. She tasted so sweet, like cherries.

She was my new favourite taste.

I hadn't even expected her to kiss me back, let alone arch her back into me. Her fingers tugging at my hair desperately craving and wanting more.

Slowly, I pulled away from the girl, my eyes opening to see that hers were still closed, her lips parted. I nervously bit my bottom lip as she opened her eyes.

"Oh." She whispered.

"Oh." I nodded in response.

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snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ thesaintsseries & leeandhan

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