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35 portland row

I knelt down, cleaning the glass from earlier. Once Lucy admitted that she took the ring and everyone gathered themselves together again, Lockwood did another sweep of the house to make sure that nothing else was taken and George and Lucy retired to bed.

"You don't have to do that you know?" Lockwood was leaning against the doorframe watching me.

I turned to face the boy, placing the last of the glass in the bin. His eyes softened once he saw my battered face.

"It's gonna be a cold night." I muttered, attempting to divert his attention from my face and back to the gaping hole in the room.

Lockwood shrugged. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, nodding at me to follow him, which I did and rather submissively may I add.

"Jump up." He instructed, pointing to the side in the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, but sat on the counter top.

The boy searched for the first aid box, making me chuckle. We had been in this scenario one too many times. I had come to his house a few times after rough nights and he had to clean me up.

"Go it." Lockwood muttered to himself. He opened up the box, grabbing the rubbing alcohol and a gauze. He looked up at me with soft eyes. "Might sting."

I gave Lockwood a blank look. He reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear before starting with the cut on my lip.

"I'll find whoever did this to you." He whispered, parting my legs to stand between him. "And I'll kill them for hurting you."

"It doesn't hurt." I mumbled. Of course, I was lying. It hurt like a bitch.

This time, Lockwood gave me a blank look. His hand gripped my waist as he moved to the cut on my temple. I gripped his wrist once I felt the stinging from the alcohol.

"Thought it didn't hurt." He taunted, making me release my hand from around his wrist. There was a silence that consumed us. It stayed until he was finished cleaning my wounds.

I followed him back into the bedroom. He closed the curtains, which was the most he could do to keep the cold out, thankfully there wasn't any wind tonight.

Anxiously, I pull at my sleeves. I wasn't sure if the option to sleep in the bed was open again or if it was the sofa for me tonight. I went to say something to Lockwood, but when I looked up at him, he was unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his toned chest.

My lips parted slightly, his eyes falling on me and as smirk grew on his face, knowing that he caught my attention. He removed the shirt completely and tossed it over to me.

I hummed, grabbing the shirt, noticing the way he turned around to allow me to get changed. I smiled softly, when his familiar scent engulfed me.

"Goodnight, I guess." I muttered, going to step back and out of the room.

Lockwood span on his heel. His eyes flickered up and down me in his shirt before he shook his head.

"Bed." He ordered.


"Leighton, get in the bed." He repeated, but in a stronger tone.

I nodded, climbing into the bed, alongside Lockwood. His hand rested on my bare thighs, slowly trailing up the shirt and resting on the dip of my waist. His thumb running up and down soothingly.

"Why didn't you come home straight away?" Lockwood's voice was hoarse.

I wetted my bottom lip, my hand resting on his chest. I could feel his heart racing. But I didn't mention it. I thought best to not bring attention to it.

"I had things to do." I lied. I really just wanted to make him sweat. I wanted to make him nervous. Evidently it worked.

"I was worried." He whispered, linking our pinkies together.

Lockwood shuffled forward slightly, our bodies touching. I could feel his warm breath mingling with mine and it was enough to drive me insane. I rested my head against his, closing my eyes.

"I want you to know, that this is your home, Leighton. This is where your friends are. This is where I am. And this is where you should be."

I picked up on the fact that he didn't class himself as a friend. But once again, I chose not to say anything. I hummed in response, now focused in on his fingers which had began tracing patterns on the small of my back.

"It's cold." I chuckled, desperately wanting to change the conversation. If my parents knew I was here, they'd disapprove.

"I'll get the window fixed tomorrow." He nodded. "For now, get some rest." Lockwood's grip on me tightened, pulling me into his warm body.

I haven't felt this safe or cared about in a long time. And honestly, it was all that I craved. The love and safety.

"Thank you, Lockwood." I nuzzled into the boys chest. "For convincing me to stay."

I didn't know how long I would be staying, it wouldn't be practical forever. And certainly wouldn't be an option if my family came back to London, but until that day, this was home.

Lockwood was my home.

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tik tok ~ thesaintsseries & leeandhan

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