Ch 2: Battle of Alnus Hill

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Date: November, 2023

Maverick's Pov

Morning at Alnus Hill

Yesterday, scouts and drones spotted large concentration of hostiles gathering south of the hill. It looks like their going to make move on taking the hill the question is when? I was checking on one of the lookouts when one JSDF soldiers nearly salutes me.

JSDF Pvt:*salutes me* Oh, morning Capt. Kuribayashi!

The Marine PFC next to him gives him a look of "What are you doing?"

Me: As you were Pvt. and don't salute me here you'll only make me a target.

Marine: He's right you know.

JSDF Pvt:*drops salute* Oh um....sorry sir.

Me: Don't be sorry, however it's Japan's first actual combat deployment since WW2 so you guys wouldn't know when and where to salute a senior officer. So my best advice, don't do it by lookouts and watchtowers. It'll get said officer killed. Is that understood, Pvt?

JSDF Pvt: Yes sir. It won't happen again.

Me: Good. Don't want to hear either Gen. Hazama or Col. Jackson KIA due to a private giving them a salute. So what's the the news?

Marine: None at all, sir.

JSDF Pvt: He's right, it's been quiet all morning.

Marine:*spots something* Hold that thought.

Me: What's wrong?

Marine:*hands me his Binos* South of here.

I take his Binos and look to the South and spot a large number of hostiles crossing the exclusion line.

JSDF Pvt: What do you see?

Me: From the looks of it a entire division derived by humans and non-humans.

The marine hands me a radio. I grabbed it and called for both an Artillery Strike.

Me: Big Bang and Thunder this is Yankee-Sama do you copy, over?

Thunder:*on radio* This is Thunder, go ahead Yankee-Sama, over.

Big Bang:*on radio* This is Big Bang, we read you Capt, over.

Me: I got eyes on a division sized force coming from the South and crossing into phase line Alpha, break.... Requesting fire mission on phase line Alpha fire for effect, over.

Thunder:*radio* Copy that fire mission received artillery strike in bound, over.

Big Bang:*on radio* Copy that, firing for effect, over.

I look ahead as I hear booms and bangs of both Japanese and American howitzers. I also spot one of them not far from where I'm standing.

 I also spot one of them not far from where I'm standing

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