Return to Omashu

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Finally, we reached Omashu. But, the Fire Nation had already seized this Earth Kingdom when we arrived. Yet how? The King here is one of the world's most powerful earthbenders. He was extraordinarily powerful for his old age and had a deceptively sturdy physique. How did they fail, though?

"I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed..untouchable." Aang said, looking at the city of Omashu. "Up until now, it was. Now, Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left." Sokka said, crossing his arms. 

"This is horrible." I said, as my eyes widened. This reminded me the things I've done before. Katara walked up to Aang, looking at him."Yeah..but we have to move on." She said, with a soft tone. But Aang refused. "No. I'm going in to find Bumi." He was about to leave, but Sokka called him, making him stop."Aang, stop! We don't even know if Bumi's still..." He didn't continue what he was about to say because he didn't wanna hurt Aang. "What? If he's still what?" he said with a stern voice. "A-around.." Sokka stuttered.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you Earthbending." Katara said. "This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend." Aang said, as he turned around, looking at the city.
"If none of you want to-" We walked passed him and held out my hand. "So why are we still standing around? Let's go rescue your friend." I smiled, as he held mine and nodded.

We went beneath the Omashu Bridge only to discover a hidden passageway that turned out to be a sewer drain."A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time-" Sokka complained, but as Aang removed the lid of the sewer drain, he groaned in disgust."Does that answer your question?" He smiled.  I looked inside the sewer, making me ick by the sight of it. "I don't have much of a choice do I?" I asked, covering my mouth. "Nope." Katara responded. In order to prevent getting sewer water in our faces, Aang bended air into the shape of a ball to blow the water away from him. Katara bended the sewer water making it avoid her. While I created a dome made of shadows to avoid the water in my clothes. For Sokka, the entire sewer went into his mouth and face.

As we came upon a manhole, we decided to climb it and escape the filthy sewers. Aang went first to check for any nearby fire armies, but none were found. Hence, all is well. Each of us got out one by one. "That wasn't as bad as I thought." Katara said, as a Sokka covered in sewage water came up from the manhole. Katara then used the water in the nearby barrel to wash off the gooey substance. After all that goop is gone. We noticed something stuck on Sokka's face. He felt It and started pulling it off and screaming. "AHH! THEY WON'T LET GO! HELP!" He grunted. Aang shoved Sokka to the wall to quiet him. "Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus." He tickled the pentapus, making It let go from Sokka's face.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew?" A guard said, coming towards us. Aang immediately hid behind us and put his hat on to cover his arrow. "Sorry, we were just on our way home." Katara explained, smiling. But, the soldier noticed the red spots behind Sokka's neck just as we were about to leave. "Wait. What's the matter with him?" He asked. "Uhh..he has pentapox, sir. Um, it's highly contagious!" I said, as the guard tries to touch Sokka. Sokka then acted sick."It's so awfulll! I'm dying'!" He said, groaning. "A-and deadly." I added.

"Hey, I think I've heard of pentapox. Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?" One of the guard stated, as he walked away slowly.  Sokka walked closer to them and kept coughing. "We better go wash our hands..and burn our clothes." he said, as they all ran."Thank you, sewer friend!" I said as I petted the pentapus.

As the guards left, We quickly ran to the direction where the castle is, climbed up the stairs, and hid when we saw guards nearby. "Let's find Bumi and get out of here." Katara whispered. "Where would they be keeping him?" Sokka asked. "Somewhere he can't earthbend. Somewhere made of metal." Aang said, as he looked around, noticing the walls are full of metal. We tried sneaking in, but two boulders came down from above. Aang looked where the boulders were headed and saw people, that looked like the ones who are in charge here. He then hit it with his staff making it break down into smaller pieces. This alarmed the people that the two boulders were heading. "The resistance!" a woman pointed at Aang.  And one of them began throwing knives at him.

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