Bitter Work

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You woke up, feeling cold.

Something feels..odd. Where's Aang and the others? You looked around, but there wasn't any sign of them.

"Aang?... Toph? Where are you guys?"

You couldn't find Appa as well..Did they..leave me? They wouldn't.


A familiar voice called your name..

"Y/n! Help me...It..hurts.."


As you stood up, everything went dark of all of a sudden. Then eventually, Bo appeared. He was not in good shape. There was blood..everywhere.

"Bo?! What happened to you?"

He mumbled something, but you couldn't hear it. You couldn't help but cry..what do you think happened to him? Who did this??

"Y/n..whatever you do, don't come back home." he groaned in pain.

"What? Why? Bo.. Tell me. Who did this to you?!" You yelled, as tears starts dripping from your eyes.


"What? What do you mean?"

Bo was about to say something, but Toph's voice can be heard..

"Y/n!.. wake up!"

You woke up.


"Y/n, are you okay?! You're crying..what the heck happened?" Toph asked.

You try catching your breath. You feel as if you had a heart attack. You start to wonder what your dream meant. What did Xian do?

"Nothing.. A bad dream I guess.."

"Bad dream, huh? Yeah.. I get you. They're literally the worst. But don't let it come to your head, dimwit." Toph scoffed after wiping your tears away and punched your shoulder.

Gawdamn...that hurts what the hell.

"Today's the day!" Aang woke up feeling excited and walked towards Sokka, who is sleeping. "Can you believe it? After all that time searching for a teacher, I'm finally starting earthbending."

Oh right, Toph's gonna teach him how to earthbend. Wait a minute...maybe Toph can teach you some techniques. You're a waterbender, but its possible to learn some earthbending techniques since Earthbenders back at home can bend shadows.
You might become more powerful, who knows?

"Look at this place. It's perfect! Don't you think?"
Sokka looked at Aang, annoyed. He groaned and turned around. "Oh! You're still sleeping huh?"

"Finally, you're awake." Toph stated.

"Good morning, sifu Toph." Aang smiled. "Hey, you never call me sifu Katara." Katara pouted. Aang scratched his neck. "Well.. If you think I should."

"Hey, Toph..I was wondering If you could teach me some techniques?" You asked. Toph looked at you as if you're crazy.

"Hah? You crazy or something? I think you need more sleep.."

"I know, it's crazy, but! It's actually possible. I'm no ordinary waterbender. I can use earthbending techniques to create rock solid shadows."

Toph pondered. "Hm..Are you sure you can do it though?" Toph soffed as if she's trying to mock me.

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