Another Member?

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While flying in the sky Katara spotted a village. The village lively and colorful. "Is there a festival going on down there?" She mumbled.
Katara thought that maybe they should go and have fun for a while. So, Katara made  Appa go down to the lively village. Sokka and Aang felt like they were going down so they woke up. "Katara? Why are we here?" Aang said while he yawns. Sokka crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "OK, can you tell me why'd you want to come here? The fire army could be here!" Katara shrugged and said "Well, I just thought that maybe we should have a little fun before going to Omashu." She smiled.

"Katara we don't have time for this, you know we have to go to Omashu so that Aang finds an earthbender sifu." Sokka said while he face palmed.
"Aang, don't you agree?" he looked at Aang. Aang thought about it for a while."Uhh..well i guess a little fun won't hurt." he said with a grinned. "Seriously Aan-, oh okay so you guys just gonna leave me here." He said as he followed Aang and Katara to the food stalls. Aang kept rushing over to the stalls, amazed by the food. "look at all this food!" Aang drooled. Aang explored the village. He had noticed that this village is full hope and fait.

As he was watching the villagers dancing and having fun, Sokka got impatient."Cmon guys, we really don't have time." He says while he crossed his arms. "Omashu can wait Sokka. Besides, Aang coud just learn Earthbending in just like..20 minutes." Katara said, placing her hand on his shoulder."What if he didn't? What if Aang took 2 months just to learn Earthbending?" He spread his arms wide.

As he said that, Katara got a little upset, well....not a little. She took a deep breath."Sokka, you're really getting on my nerves.  WE are going to have fun in THIS festival even if you want it or not, that's final.  And we shouldn't be pressuring Aang like this. He's just a kid, he needs his fun too." Aang came closer to Katara, trying to calm her down. "Katara its okay-" he said as he got interrupted by Sokka.

He face palmed and groaned."UGHh, you don't understand we need to-"

"No, YOU don't understand,  you DONT understand that sometimes taking a break and
having fun is important. If you were in Aang's situation, you'll understand." She walked out leaving Aang and Sokka. He looked away, arms crossed. "Girls are so annoying! She just doesn't get it!" He said while making random angry noises.

Katara went near a fountain in the village and kept throwing rocks in the water and kept mumbling about something.  A girl walked by noticed something wrong. "Hey, you okay?" A girl with a hood asked."I'm fine." She replied, not even looking at her.


"Its just, BROTHERS are so annoying!" She groaned while she kept throwing the rocks. The girl stopped and crossed her arms."Ah. Brothers. Say no more, I get it." She smiled."They never listen to you. They always think they know everything and boss you around, it's driving me crazy!" She groaned as she puts her head in her hands." The girl walked towards Katara and took her hood off. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I think you should apologize to Katara, she just wanted to let us have fun." Aang said. "What? Pffft, me? Apologize to her? Your kidding right? She's the one that needs to apologize for wasting our time here in this...festival!Anyways, where is she? We need to get going now!" Aang got mad so he pushed Sokka. "Sokka, why don't you just treat Katara nicely? You act like she's not even your sister and that she's just a random person. She always tries her best to keep things positive and put everyone together, but YOU always ruin it!! Do you even love her?!" He yelled.

" What are you saying?? Of course i love her-" he got interrupted by Aang. "Then act like it." Sokka tried to reach for him. "Aang wait-"Aang ignored him. He walked towards Appa and hopped on the saddle, laying down.Sokka felt guilty and thought that maybe he should apologize to Katara. As he kept wandering around the village to find Katara.

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