The Chase (Part 1)

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Sorry for the late upload, I've been busy. But I hope u enjoy!
We all landed on the ground and I helped Aang and Sokka get our stuff down and unpack. Toph said that we picked a great campsite and that the grass is so soft. But it was just Appa's fur. Katara groaned in disgust."gross." Aang explained that it was just a part of spring and Appa gets a new coat.Katara held her hands together and said."Ahh, the beauty of spring." After she said that, Appa then sneezed causing his fur to come off. Katara coughs, and shouted."Stop! Appa, Stop!"

She turns to face Sokka putting Appa's fur on his hair and he said."It's not that bad, Katara. It makes a great wig." Aang then said jumping down from Appa with a beard. "And a great beard." The two goofs started laughing.Katara looks at them with a deadpan face, as she removes the fur in her clothes and said. "I'm just glad I'm not the only girl in the group, because you two are disgusting." Toph then shows up with hairy armpits then behind Toph, shows a Y/n with a mustache, which made everyone laugh.

The sun was setting, and everyone was helping each other put up the tents. Well, everyone except Toph. She was just sitting around, which made Katara slightly annoyed. She came up to her hoping that she'll help and said."So, Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work." Toph said back "Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go." Katara then explained that some of us do the work, to keep us hydrated, fed, and sheltered, and that even momo does his fair share. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but suddenly Toph snapped."I don't understand what's the problem here?" Katara clenched her fists, and said, walking away."Never mind."

I walked up to Katara and said. "You okay?" She faced me, annoyed, and said."I'm fine. Come help me fetch more water." I nodded and took one of the jars. After a while, we managed to get water and came back to the camp. While walking, Katara saw Toph eating. Katara placed the jar she was carrying on the ground and walked up to her to apologize. "Hey, Toph, I wanted to to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves." Toph stopped eating and responded with. "Yeah. You do seem tired." Her response made Katara annoyed again. "I meant all of us." Toph crawled inside her rock tent and said."Well, goodnight." And Katara said the same.

I didn't like how Toph was treating Katara, So I tried to talk to her. I knocked at the rock tent first and said. "Hey, It's me." Toph then said, still laying down. "What's up?" I sat down and said. "You two okay?" Toph opened her eyes and faced me with a straight face. "You mean, Me and Katara? We're great." I glanced over to Katara seeing her irritated face."Her face says otherwise." Toph turned her face away, crossing her arms and said. "So? Get to the point. I know you came here to tell me something." I rubbed my neck and said. "Well..I was hoping if you two could get along or something. I don't like that my two friends are getting on each other's nerves." Toph then faced me then said. "Fine, I'll try." I nodded, smiling and said. "Goodnight" Toph then lays down and said."Night."

We we're all sleeping peacefully, when Toph suddenly yelled, waking us up. "There's something coming toward us!" Aang got up and said."What is it?" Toph placed her hand on the ground and said. "It feels like an avalanche, but also not an avalanche." We all came to her, still sleepy, as Katara suggested to leave.

We quickly hopped on Appa and flew, seeing a huge cloud of dust in the distance. Katara then asked."What is that thing?" I rubbed my eyes to get a better look. "It looks like a vehicle." Sokka's eyes widened and said."Do you think they're following us?" I responded with. "I'm not sure. But we better get away as quickly as we can."

Its been like an hour and we're still flying. But finally we landed and it seems to be safe. Toph was the first one to jump off, throwing herself at the ground and said. "Land, sweet land." She then eventually got up and said."See you guys in the morning!" Katara then asked her if she could help us unload. Toph turned around and said."Really? You need me to help unload Sokka's funky-smelling bag?" Katara walked towards and said that she is a part of the team now but before she could even finish her sentence, Toph cut her off, pointing at her and said."Look, I didn't ask you to unload my stuff. I'm carrying my own weight." The two fought again and Toph called Katara sugar queen. Katara had enough and tried to yell at Toph but she got slammed by the door in her face.

The four of us watched the two fight and Aang told us if we should do something but Sokka was just enjoying the show. I walked towards Katara and said." You both need to calm down." Katara turned around, obviously not calm and shouted." BOTH?!? I'M COMPLETELY CALM!" I froze and said."Uh, I can see that. Look, let's just go to sleep."

It hasn't even been 5 minutes and they're still fighting. After some yelling and fighting, it finally came to an end. Toph felt that the thing is back, so we had to fly again. "How does it keep finding us? Toph said. Aang then said. "I don't know, but this time, I'm gonna make sure we lose them." We found a spot and we didn't even bother setting up the camp. The two fought again but, Sokka had enough so he said. "Could we PLEASE get some sleep?!" Katara responded with. "I would if Toph just came to help us set up our tents EARLIER." Toph then said. "Oh I didn't know you were such a baby, that you needed someone to help build YOUR tent." , I then said. "Guys let's just get some sleep. And whoever's chasing us,they couldn't have followed us here." Or at least thats what I thought.

We all fell asleep until, Momo started to get noisy so we woke up, seeing Momo looking at the distance. We all knew why. Aang stood and said. "That's impossible there's no way they could've tracked us." Toph then said. "I can feel it with my own two feet." We decided to face them and suddenly the door opened, seeing 3 girls riding on Mongoose Lizards approaching us. I narrowed my eyes and said."Aren't those the girls we fought on Omashu??" We all did our fighting stance as Toph said." We can take them four on three." Sokka corrected. "Actually Toph, there's five of us." Toph then sarcastically said. "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't count you. You know, no bending and all." We all looked at the two of them as Sokka got offended and shouted. "I CAN STILL FIGHT!" Toph then said."Okay, four on three plus Sokka." Sokka growled as steam can be seen on his ears.

Toph created several pillars to slow them down, but the lizards just jumped and climbed over it with ease. So, Instead, she made a wall as we quickly hopped onto Appa. "Appa, yip yip!"

Katara couldn't believe how those girls followed us all the way from Omashu. Toph thinks that we could've taken them, but after seeing them just now, and us having no energy to fight..I don't even know if we'd stand a chance. When Katara was finished on what she was saying, the sun began to rise and Sokka complained."Oh nooo, the sun is rising..We've been up all night with no sleep." Then Aang said."Sokka, we'll be okay." Sokka then snapped and said that he never not slept before and that what if he falls asleep and something happens. Katara then suggested to just keep flying since every time we land those girls kept finding us. But Aang said that we can't keep flying forever.

After a while, Appa suddenly stopped flying. Toph held on Appa's saddle and yelled."What's going on?!" Aang, which was holding on for his life, said."Appa fell asleep!" We all screamed as we fell, but Appa managed to wake up, gaining control and flew after the last second of falling on the trees. But Appa was so exhausted he decided to crash on the ground. Sokka then suggested to follow Appa's lead and sleep. I didn't even bother getting my sleeping bag, I just let myself fall on the ground. Katara then looked at Toph who was sleeping on the ground and said."Of course, we could've gotten some sleep earlier if Toph didn't have such issues." Toph woke up and yelled. "WHAT?!" I was still on the ground and mumbled. "Here we go again." Aang tried to stop them by telling how everyone's exhausted but Toph shoved him off, wanting to hear what's Katara going to say. "You think I have issues?"

Katara blamed Toph of not getting some sleep, because she didn't help set up the camp earlier. Toph was really ticked off, she started to walk towards Katara. Katara threw her sleeping bag, and is ready to throw hands. I stood, sighing, and walked towards the middle between Katara and Toph and said. "Guys! All these blaming won't solve our problems! It'll just make it worse. So, please just stop and get some sleep??" Toph moved me to the side using her earthbending and said. "Stay out of this, Y/n." Toph then blamed Appa, because his fur is leaving a trail everywhere we go. Aang then got mad and blamed Toph and said."You're always talking about how you carry your own weight, but you're not! He is. Appa's carrying your weight.He never had a problem flying when it was just the three of us!" Toph had enough and walked to get her bag and said."I'm outta here." I ran in front of Toph and said."Wait." She moved me again using earthbending and said."Goodbye, Y/n."

To be continued.

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