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*This took place during the invasion by shadowbenders in the town where Toph lives.*

"Guards!" Mr. Beifong yelled. "Take Toph to the basement. She'll be safe there." He stated, looking out the window, witnessing the calamity outside their house. "Dad, what's happening?" She asked.

"Not now, Toph." He replied while the guard escorted Toph to the basement.

Right after the calamity, Toph went back upstairs to see what had happened. She overheard his dad and their guards talking about what happened to the town. Who could do such a thing? She thought.

"Sir, we also found this lying on the ground. It seems to be one of theirs." The guard stated, giving him the object that somehow looked like a necklace.

"I see. This must be their logo. I'll be keeping this for now. I'll make sure to hire someone to investigate where this came from." As he spoke, the guards were about to leave but he suddenly stopped them.

"Never. And I mean NEVER. Mention what happened in front of Toph. Don't even tell her what they're called." Mr. Beifong whispered as he placed the necklace on the table and left.

Toph sneaked inside the room to check on the necklace. She held it to feel what it might look like since she was blind. Now, that she was familiar with what the necklace looked like, she went back to the basement as she had already felt that his dad was coming back to the room.


*Present day*

Katara was about to set the campfire but she realized that we were already out of firewood. "Hey, Y/n. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. Why?" You replied. "Is it okay if you would get some firewood for us? It seems like we're running out."

"Sure!" You stated. As you were about to get your bag Toph asked where you were going. "I'm gonna get some firewood. Wanna come?"

"Finally." She groaned. "It was getting pretty boring. I'll go get your bag." She stated and went to get your bag. "Oh, you don't have to um."

"Stop yapping and let me do it." Toph went inside the tent and carried your bag but something fell. She tried picking it up but somehow she felt like she had touched one of these before.

It was the same necklace as the one her guard found after the calamity.

Toph couldn't believe it. She was annoyed. She was angry. She felt like she was betrayed. Why does she have this? Does that mean...

Toph went outside the tent and threw your bag at you. She was somehow angry. You wondered why and looked inside your bag.

Your necklace was missing.

Your heart fell as you look at Toph walking in in front of you. Does she know? Oh no..

"Let's go." Her tone was harsh. She turned cold all of a sudden. She isn't usually like this to you, and that hurts your feelings.

This will not end well.


It was a long walk to the forest, but eventually we got there. It was quiet and the atmosphere was tense.

"What does it feel like killing my people?"


Those words alone are what made my heart drop again. You weren't comfortable talking about this.

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