The Cave of Two Lovers

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It was a bright, sunny day and it's really hot, So we thought that maybe we could go for a swim in the river near our camp. Aang and Katara were practicing a new form that Katara learned last night, and Sokka was just..I don't know even know what he's doing, I think he's trying to know how long he'll have to hold his breath underwater, or something.

While I was floating and sleeping peacefully, Momo jumped and landed on my stomach making me lose balance and almost drowned.

Sokka saw me and kept laughing. He is SO annoying, no wonder why him and Katara fight so much. I haven't met a person that's this annoying, have you?

Anyways, as a revenge for laughing at me. I made an enormous wave and splashed it in to his direction. This startled him, making him fall into the water from the leaf he was floating on. He got so angry! You should've seen his face, It was hilarious. He kept making all these angry noises that I don't even understand.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Now, the water got up my nose." He said with a straight face.


" You guys are gonna be done soon, right? We've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to Omashu today." Sokka said, interrupting Katara and Aang."What, like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" Katara scoffed." I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously. Whenever." He said.

" were showing me the octopus form." Aang said. "Right, let me see your stance." Aang did his stance but his arms we're a little far away. So, Katara walked towards Aang, and went behind him to try and fix his stance. "Your arms are too far apart. See if you move them closer together, you protect your center. You got it?" She smiled. "Oh. Yeah. Thanks." He blushed.

I saw them, and thought they we're cute together. Aang saw me smiling, and he tried to say "It's not what It looks like." Without saying it out loud. "Okay, let's see what you got."Aang started to lift the water and made it look like tentacles, Katara then struck Aang with icy spikes but  Aang managed to grab it in time and threw it away. After some practicing Aang got better with this Octopus form. "You make a fine octopus, pupil Aang." "Thanks, but this form reminds me of Y/n last night." He said, as he puts his hands on his hips.
"Well, it's because this form was inspired from Y/n's form, Aang." She responded, glancing at Y/n.

We heard someone singing and playing music, so we all looked at the forest, seeing 3 nomads walking. And one of them was carrying a Dramyin.
"Hey-Hey! River people." The guy stated. "We're not river people." I said, crossing my arms."You're not? Then what kind of people are you?" He asked, confused. "Just..people." Aang shrugged. "Well, aren't we all, brother?" The man chuckled.

Sokka went closer and started pointing at them."Who are you?" He asked. "I'm Chong. And this is my wife Lily. We're nomads. Happy to go wherever the wind takes us." He said, starting to sing gibberish."You guys are nomads? That's great! I'm a nomad!" He brightened. Aang seemed happy to meet someone like him."Hey! Me too!" Chong said. "I just said that." Aang said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh...Nice underwear." Chong looked away and looked at Sokka.


These guys seem cool. They told stories about their adventures and how love keeps them together. Chong's wife Lily, just finished braided my hair and put some flowers on it. It was really pretty. She then did Katara's hair next."Hey, Sokka. You should hear some of these stories. These guys have been everywhere!" I grinned. "I'm not talking to you." Sokka crossed his arms. "You just did."

" Well, not everywhere, little lady, but where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs." Chong said. "They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler!" Aang smiled.  "On the way, there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow!" Moku said. Sokka facepalmed."Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara is busy, I guess it's up to me. We need to get to Omashu. No sidetracks, no worms, and definitely no RAINBOWS."

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