When We Met: Day 7

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It was time.
Today was the day i feared the most.
We were going back home already.
The week passed by so quickly I didn't even notice it.
The Nishimura family came with us to the airport to bid us goodbyes.
"M/N, we'll see each other in the future, right?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'll make sure of it." I said, determined to meet him once again.
"Alright then."
"Goodbye M/N, and see you later."
"Goodbye my Riri, and see you later." I finished saying my goodbye and followed my mother and sister to board the plane.
Mid-flight I thought I heard something weird but I brushed it off as just a random noise in the plane.
It only took a few hours but we have arrived back in the Philippines.
The foreboding feeling I had was back and it was stronger than last time.
A few minutes pass and the feeling was gone.
It was replaced by something much worse.
Emptiness itself had replaced the foreboding feeling.
Lifeless, was what I looked like while staring up at the ceiling.
'I'll make sure of it.' The memory of saying that promise echoed in my head throughout the silent night that encapsulated my empty heart.
"I really will make sure of it." I whispered into the wind as I shut my eyes closed and a single teardrop fell from my left eye and onto the pillow.

Here is the final flashback chapter which means we're back to the present storyline of Memories.
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'll see you all in the present, bye!
Word count: 281 words

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