Chapter 7

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*3rd POV*
As Y/N pretends to use the bathroom,JJ is analyzing Ni-ki.
'I guess I really can't have Y/N'JJ thought.
'Please take care of him hyung.'JJ thought.
He stood up then said goodbye to his hyungs and asked them to inform Y/N that he had to leave as well as tell Y/N he's sorry he had to leave without telling him.
They happily agreed and JJ left afterwards.

*A few minutes later*
*Y/N's POV*
As I finally came out of the bathroom,I looked around the room and noticed that JJ's gone and only Enhypen is here.
The other Croyance members left earlier so they could take a rest/shower and change into new clothes.
'Great.'I thought.
Everyone in the room looked at me.
I went back to my bed and took a seat.
"Y/N,what happened?"Jungwon asked.
I quickly tried to make an excuse.
"Oh,about that..."I trailed off.
"I just received a call informing me of some bad news."I managed to come up with a believable excuse.
"Yeah,that's why."I tried to support it more so it can sound plausible.
"Why?What was the news?"Jungwon asked even more.
"It was just something that perturbed me,something I can't talk about."I answered.
"Oh,okay..."Jungwon said,feeling disappointed that he couldn't know the reason why Y/N was crying while running through the halls.
Although he did have a suspicion.


*Even more silence*

*The silence becomes awkward*

"Love,why don't we get something to drink."Jay said to Jungwon.
Jungwon looked at Jay then nodded.
The two of them left the room to go get some drinks from the nearby vending machine.

*Jungwon's POV*
'Poor Y/N,but something seems off about what he said.'I thought.
'It sounded like he's trying his best to keep something a secret.'I thought.
"Wait."I thought.
I suddenly came to a halt.
Jay also stopped and looked at me and raised his eyebrow in question of why I stopped walking.
"Jay."I said in a serious tone.
"Hmm?"He asked.
I dragged him to a quieter area.
"What if..."I started.
"What?"Jay asked.
"Remember what Ni-ki told us before?"I asked him.
"He told us a lot of things."He said.
"The one about someone he met a few years back."I told him.
"Oh that one,yeah I remember it,why?"He asked.
"What if the person Ni-ki told us about is Y/N?"I stated.
Jay seemed shocked to what I said.
"How did you come up with that?"He asked,genuinely confused of how I thought of that.
"Well,remember the day we saw Y/N running down the hallway?"I asked him.
"Yeah."He replied.
"I saw his face and he looked heartbroken."I said.
"And?"He asked.(Honestly,Jay sounds so sassy here😂 -author)
"A few minutes after that,we saw Ni-ki coming back and he told us about the girl that confessed and asked him out."I said.
"So?"He continued asking.
I looked at Jay in the eyes.
What I answered made his eyes widen in realization.

"Ni-ki came from the same direction Y/N came from."I answered.
He started analyzing all of this information and everything started to make sense.
Though its only a suspicion,we might have solved the puzzle which takes the form of Ni-ki's past childhood lover.
"Somehow that makes so much sense."Jay told me.
Ni-ki already told us about someone from his past that he loved but that person had to leave and he hasn't seen that person in 3 years up until now.
Only Jay and I know about this because we were the only ones that came out that time.
A day before Ni-ki told us about this,Jay and I came out to the others and told them that we were dating.
The others were proud of us and happily supported our relationship.
When Ni-ki told us,he also mentioned that he thought about it all night if he should tell us.
Jay and I happily supported him about this topic.
He also told us that if he doesn't meet that person ever again,he'll try to love someone else which must've led to him agreeing to the confession.
All this time,Ni-ki still loves that person but he tries his best to not think about him and try to forget him.
He also mentioned that he forgot that person's name so we can't really solve the puzzle fully because we don't know that person's name.
"We should tell Ni-ki about this."Jay said which snapped me out of my thoughts.
"No."I retorted.
"Why?"He asked in confusion.
"We saw Y/N crying right?"I said.
"Yeah."He replied,still confused of why we shouldn't inform Ni-ki that Y/N could be his childhood lover.
"He must've overheard the confession or something."I said.
"He's probably still heartbroken about it."I added.
"Yeah."He concluded with a gasp.
We started walking to the vending machine and bought the drinks.
We headed back and found the members chatting with Y/N.
As Y/N tasted his drink,his face immediately cringed.
"That's a pungent taste."He said,quickly putting down the beverage.
"You don't like iced coffee?"I asked.
"I like iced coffee but americano is a big no no."He told me.
"And its very bitter."He said then broke out into small coughs.
He stopped coughing a second later.
We started laughing at Y/N's cuteness and disability to drink bitter coffees.
Eventually we had to leave as it was already night so we bid our goodbyes and get wells(?).
We went home,ate dinner,showered,then went to bed.

*Y/N's POV*
After they left,I just stood up from my bed and took a seat near the window.
As time passed by,I just sat there staring out onto the beautiful view provided by the city lights.
I was so entranced and mesmerized by the beauty of the city's light in nighttime that I didn't notice how long it had been.
A nurse came into the room and set down my food onto a table.
I thanked her and she responded with a 'you're welcome' then left the room.
I ate my food and stood up only to sit back down near the window.
My thoughts of peace suddenly started being diverted to a certain person that I've been thinking about all the time.
Nishimura Riki.
'Have you really forgotten about me?Us?Our promise?'I thought.
I sighed then did my nightly routine to distract myself from negative thoughts.
After finishing,I took a seat at my bed.
'I need to stay strong.'I reminded myself.
"I can do this."I tried my best to cheer myself up.

No,you can't

Shut up

He'll never remember you

Shut up

A girl has already asked him out and he agreed


I shook my head to try and get the voice out of my head.
It was back.
My negative thoughts.
The broken version of myself.
But this time,I know how to fight it.
"I just need to be happy for him."I told myself as I finally laid down.
"His happiness comes first."I said while staring at the ceiling.
"Even if it means sacrificing mine."I said.
I turned over to sleep in a more comfortable position.
As I close my eyes,a stray tear rolls down my face.
'Even though you don't remember me...I still love you'

Its me,your ever so amazing author that was gone for a few weeks.
I'm so sorry for making you guys wait.
I was super busy with schoolworks that I didn't have time to write this chapter.
But its my Christmas break already so I can start writing more now.
I will be posting an explaination on "the voice" that is featured in this chapter.
I also posted the other day about an announcement that tackles the topic of my posting schedule which is abnormal but I will be posting whenever I finish a chapter.
I also talked about 2 upcoming works that will come after 'Memories' in a separate post though I can't talk to much about it for the element of suprise.
I also have 3 more story ideas that I want to write but I am still unsure about when I'm going to make these aforementioned ideas.
The one that will be coming right after 'Memories' is titled 'Just A Fan' which will be different from this story as well as it will be very angsty so prepare yourselves for a heart-wrenching ride.
'Just A Fan' is based off a song titled "Groupie" by Cate,absolutely amazing song go check it out.
That's all I can say for now.
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Thank you for reading!
I'll see you all on the next chapter,bye!
Word count:1523 words

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