Chapter 10

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*Jungwon's POV*
"Jay hyung."I called him.
"Yeah?"He asked.
We were in my room cuddling while watching a movie.
"I'm 100% sure that Y/N is Ni-ki's childhood lover."I started.
"So what do we do with this information?"He asked.
"We confront Y/N."I answered.
"What?!"Jay asked in shock.
"I said we confront Y/N."I repeated.
"I heard you the first time but how do you plan on doing this? This idea is risky."He said.
"We'll corner him and ask him about it."I stated.
"We?"He asked,eyebrow raised.
"Yeah,you and me."I told him.
"Alright..."He trailed off.
"Where do you plan to corner him?"He asked.
"The classroom."I replied.
Jay just sighed.
"Ok fine."He said.
"But you do the asking."He stated.
"Sure."I responded.
We just continued watching the movie.
Eventually,Jay left the room to go to his own room.
I just kept thinking about the multiple scenarios that could possibly happen tomorrow.
As I laid down on my bed,I just kept wishing myself good luck and that things would go well tomorrow.
I rehearsed my questions silently and after that,I went to sleep.

*Y/N's POV*
As I sat in the bathtub,I just played with the bubbles floating atop the water.
Tears continued to flow down my face and fall into the water.
"He...actually forgot about me."I said to myself.
"Maybe he was just confused about his feelings before."I slightly sank into the bathtub.
"I shouldn't have waited for so long to come back."I said in regret.
"Do I move on?"I asked.
"No,I promised that I wouldn't break the agreement and I just can't bring myself to do it."I sobbed harder.
"I've loved him for so long."
"He was the only person I've ever loved,romantically."
"He was my first love."
"And he'll probably be my last."
I stayed in the tub for a little longer so when I come out,my eyes aren't as puffy anymore.
When I felt my eyes revert back into its former state before I started crying.
I dried myself and wore my clothes that I prepared beforehand.
After that,I went to bed and slept soundly.

*The next day*
I woke up,did my routine,dressed up,and went to school.
I honestly didn't want to go but I have to.
'I'm gonna see him again'I thought then sighed.
As we were walking to the classroom,Jungwon ran up to me.
"Hey Y/N."He greeted.
I looked at him in pure awkwardness.
"Ummm...hi."I greeted back.
"I was wondering if I could have a talk with you at lunch?"He requested.
"Sure."I agreed.
"Great."He cheerily replied.
He walked with us to class after talking about his request.
"That was a bit sudden."Luna joked.
"Hehe,I just have some questions that I want to ask Y/N."He replied.
"What did you want to ask Y/N?"Elise asked.
"Umm...I can't really disclose the information to you guys."He answered.
"Oh,that's okay."Elise replied.
We entered the class and attended the class.

*Lunch time*
When we were dismissed,I stayed behind and told the other members that I'll be there after my talk with Jungwon.
I saw Jungwon approaching with Jay.
"Hi Y/N."Jungwon said.
"Hi."I answered.
"So,what did you want to talk about?"I asked.
"Oh yeah,let's get straight to the point shall we?"He said.
"Let's sit down first."He added.
The three of us sat down and Jungwon started asking.
"Y/N,do you like anyone right now?"He asked his first question.
"I guess you could say that."I answered.
"May I ask about identity of this person?"He asked.
"I'm sorry but I can't tell you."I replied.
"Is it someone from our class?"He pushed.
'Does he know?'I thought.
"Hmmm...yeah."I responded.
"Is it someone you've known before?"He asked.
I looked at him dead in the eye.
'He definitely knows.'I concluded in my thoughts.
"How can you say that my crush is someone concerned with my past?"I retorted using a question.
"I definitely know that its someone from your past basing on the song you performed the other day."He said.
"Ok then,fine."I said.
"It is someone I've known before."I added.
"Are they perhaps a childhood lover?"He asked.
"Mhm."I truthfully answered.
'There's no point in lying now.'I jokingly thought.
"And is this person...Ni-ki?"He concluded his interview.
My face didn't even show shock because I've already sensed this when he asked if its someone I've known before.
"Tell me,how did you figure all of this out?"I asked him.
"Answer my question first."He said.
"Fine,it is Ni-ki."I replied,enunciating the word 'is'.
His face contorted from amused to shock.
Jay's face also showed shock.
"So you ARE Ni-ki's childhood lover?"He asked.
I just chuckled.

"Yes,I am Ni-ki's childhood lover."I answered.

Its me again your ever so amazing author back at it again with another chapter.
I'm so sorry that it's shorter than my other chapters,I just ran out of ideas.
The christmas special will be coming out tomorrow.
I'm sorry I couldn't provide much with this chapter,I'll make it up to you all with the next chapter but I'll be taking a 2 day break from writing because I need to refresh my brain so I could produce more ideas for the next chapter.
I'm also sorry that I updated a bit late(it's currently 12 am where I live) I went out for the entirety of the day to celebrate Christmas with my family.
I hope you stay tuned for the fluffy Christmas special tomorrow which is more shorter than this one.
Anyways,I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you so much for reading!
I'll see you all in the next chapter,bye!
Word count:1015 words

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