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I got ready for the school. I made breakfast for dad, I gave him his pills and I said goodbye to him. I went outside and Gavi was there.

"Hi" he said and hugged me.

"Hi, thank you so much for taking me to the school, could I also put my bike into your car? I don't want to be late to work."

"No, I will take you. And after you will be done, I will take you home. I am your uber for today."

"Don't you have a training?"

"Morning training and then I am free."

"But I don't want to bother you."

"Ams, you don't bother me. I like to spend my time with you."

"I like you too" I realised what I said. "Oh my- did I really said that loud?" I kinda started panicking, but he just smiled.  "I am so sorry. I meant that I like it too. Like I like it when we hang out, that was what I mean-" he smiled and came closer to me. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Ams, will you be my girlfriend?" Gavi asked and I kinda stopped smiling. "What's wrong? Did I say it too soon?"

"Gavi, I can't be your girlfriend. I can't. I wouldn't have time for you. I really like you, but I am scared that I would drag you down with me. I would love to be your girlfriend, but you deserve so much more. You deserve to have someone who isn't broke, who doesn't have to work almost every day, who has time for you."

"Ams, I don't care about this things. I work almost every day too. I won't have time either. We will see each other whenever we can, okay? At the beginning we would take it slowly. Ams I really like you. I can wait for you if you need more time, just say. I can drive you to school whenever I can, I can help you with whatever you want, I would do anything for you. I just want to be with you. Please just give me a chance."

"Do you really think that this is a good idea? I am scared that I will loose our friendship and I can not deal with that."

"You won't. You won't Ami" I came closer to him and I kissed him. "Does it mean yes?"

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend" he smiled and he opened the door for me. 

He drove me to the school and he opened the door for me. Everyone was staring at us and they were in shock.

"That's so uncomfortable." I said, he just smiled. "I told you that you can drop me off at the corner."

"It's fine, see you after school" Gavi said and hugged me.

"See ya boyfriend" I said and as he was hugging me, he kissed me on the cheek. No one could see it.

I went to Marco and I watched Gavi leaving.

"So tell me more."

"Haha, you like to know everything, don't you?"

"I do."

"Okay, since you were nice to me I will tell you everything."

"Oh my god Ams, how is even possible that a girl like you gets a ride from a boy that is out of your league?" Julia asked me.

"That had to be fantastic" Sara added.

"You didn't talked to me for four days and now we're again friends??"

"We're sorry, we just got mad. Don't act like you are the perfect friend here."

"No, I am not! But you're not perfect either. No one of you actually care about me. I saw you throwing the cupcakes that I did for Sara's birthday into the bin! That wasn't funny. I tried to make perfect ones! While you were having fun at Sara's birthday I was making cupcakes for her! You always judge me because I am always at work, but do you know why I am there?" I tried to hold my tears back. "My dad is sick. Happy now? Still thinking that I don't want to hang out with you? I just love my dad and I would do anything for him because my whole life he was always there for me! And he needs help" I said and I ran off.

Gavi ❤️

Are you still on your way?
Could you please pick me up?

Gavi ❤️
I will be there soon

Thank you so much ❤️

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