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I took my bike and ride to the school. My friends were waiting for me as usual.

"Hi Amalia" Sara pulled me into hug.

"Hi" I smiled and I hugged rest of the girls.

"Do you want to hang out with us after school?"

"I would like to but I have a work."

"But you always have to work" Camila complained.

"I am just saving for a new car" I lied. I never told them about my dad. No one besides José knows.

"Why don't you tell your dad? He would buy you one" Julia said and I just looked at her.

"Well, we have Spanish now so I will see you guys later, let's go Sara" I said and we went to the class.

When it was lunch I went to the school canteen. I grabbed the food and was walking to the table where my friends were. I sat and we started talking.

"Do you have enough money to buy another lunch Ams?"

"Well, I don't."

"Why don't you just tell your dad?" Camila asked me and Julia laughed.

"I will, he's gonna give me money for next week. It just doesn't matter, it's two more days" I smiled.

"Oh, okay" Saraa said.

Then Marco sat next to me. "Hey Ams and everyone" he smiled at me.

"Hey Marco" I said annoyed.

Marco put his finger into my food and he smiled because he knew that it will annoy me.

"Eww, you're disgusting" I said and I got up because I wanted to leave.

"Where are you going?" Camila asked me.

"Back to the classroom, I am not hungry anyway" I said and I went to the classroom all angry.

After the school. I rode to the restaurant. "Hey José" I said and I got into the work.

After a while two young boys entered and José was in shock.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"These two are professional footballers. You have to be nice to them, okay?"

"Of course, as usual."

"It's Pedri González and Pablo Gavi."

"Great" I didn't know them.

"You don't know them? Have you seen any of the Barcelona match?"

"No, you know. I have school and then work and then I am doing homework and helping dad. I don't watch TV that often, only in my free days with my dad."

"I am sorry Ams. I didn't mean to... Will you be able to serve them?"

"It's okay. Of course I will" I said with a smile on my face and I went to their table.

"Hello, my name is Amalia and today I am going to serve you. Here is menu, let me know when you are ready to order" I said and I smiled at them.

"Thank you Amalia" one of them said with smile on his face.

I left their table and I cleaned the plates off the other tables, after a while I went to their table again.

"Are you ready to order?" One of them shaked his head. "What can I get for you?"

"We would like to have sushi and the mango juice" the other one said. I wrote their order and left.
I came back with their order and I smiled . They both were smiling at me too.
After a while they paid and gave me tips. They left.

When my work ended I cleaned the tables. "Here" José said and handed me bag with the food in it.

"Thank you so much José, for everything. I don't know what I would do without you" I gave him a grateful look as always.

"Ams you're really good. Your dad is lucky to have you. Now go home, I will mop the floor instead you."

"Thank you."

I rode home and I went home.

"Hi dad. How are you feeling?  I have a food for us" I said and I looked at him.

"Hi sweetie, I am fine. Thank José for me."

"Of course, he's great. I don't have money for lunch so I will just take leftovers."

"I am so sorry honey, I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this" he said really sad.

"It's okay dad. I am doing this for you. Now I will put your food to the microwave" I did as I said.

"Honey, I want to give you my car. I know it's used and not new."

"You don't have to" I handed him his food.

"I know I don't, but I want to. You're working so hard."

"Thank you dad" I smiled at him.

I went to my room and I did my homework and ate. After that it was time when my dad goes sleep. I helped him to get into his bed and I went back to my room. I started crying and then I fall asleep.

In this together- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now