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Next morning I got up. Made myself a breakfast, did my usual make up and I went for a walk. I visited my dad at the hospital, I visited José just to have a look how things are going and I asked him, if he could change my shift, luckily he understood me and changed it.

Girl gang

Wanna hang out today?

Sorry, we got invited
to a party. So we are helping
decorating it and then we
will get ready.

All of you?

Yes 😍

It will be epic 🥳

Have fun

I went back home and I did my homeworks and I learned. I watched serial and made lunch for me. I cleaned the whole house. And then I baked cupcakes for Sara, she has birthday tomorrow. After a while I heard someone at the doors. I went to open and it was Gavi with Pedri.

"Hi" I smiled at Gavi.

"Hello" he hugged me.

"Hi, I am Pedri" Pedri smiled at me.

"Hi, Amalia" he hugged me and I invited them in the house.

"Nice house" Pedri said.

"Thank you, it's just for me and my dad."

"Is your dad here?" he asked and I kinda stopped smiling.

"He's at hospital" I said.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know" he said and felt a bit awkward.

"It's fine."

We went to watch a movie together. Gavi was sitting in the middle. There was a scene of ambulance taking the guy and I thought about my dad and I teared up. Gavi noticed, immediately grabbed the controller and skipped the scene. We continued watching.
After a while they waited for me to get dressed up. I was ready to go. Gavi handed me VIP card and we went to the stadium.
Gavi told me where to go and where I will meet Sira. I went exactly how he said and I met her.

"Hi" I said and I smiled.

"Oh my god, Ams, hiii" she hugged me. "How are you?"

"I am fine, what about you?" I asked her.

"I am really great, thank you for asking."

"How's your work and school?" She asked me.

"Well, it's fine. Just hard to manage both of it. Especially when teachers get us so many things for next day."

"I believe that. Why don't you just take a break?" she said and I smiled.

"I need that money."

"Maybe ask your dad about giving you some money"

"That's a good idea" I said, but I knew that this will not happen because of the situation.

Finally the match started, we both were quiet and watched the game. Lewa scored the first goal, ten minutes before ending of first half Raphina added goal. In second half Griezmann scored and few minutes after him Morata. 
The match ended 3:2 for Barcelona, Pedri scored the winner.
I congratulated the boys and they dropped off at my house. I started doing things for school and I took a shower.
When I was done. I went to sleep.

In this together- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now