streber vamp au in-between chapter

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Sorry I haven't uploaded alot but.. y'know, I have a life. Sooo take this trash chapter I started at 3:01 am on the dot. I am so fucking tired and dizzy ♥️

Third person:

Kevin peered around the corner of the building, staring at that one guy.

The man was seemingly just taking out the trash.

You could tell they felt eyes on them and shifted upwards, glancing around.

Once their eyes fixed on Kevin for a moment Kevin darted from the corner to a further part of the wall.

Kevin pressed his back against the brick wall and covered his mouth.

'oh GOD WHAT IS THAT THING?? I THINK IT SAW ME, WHAT DO I DO???" Kevin thought to himself.

Kevin's eyes searched the alleyway for somewhere to hide or something to protect him against the wrath this entity may hold.

Kevin couldn't see much and only rushed over behind a couple of garbage bins and crouched down.

Kevins breathing was all over the place crazy and he was shaking vigerously.

Tears welled in his eyes when he noticed the humanoid walk out from behind the building.

For a breif moment he caught a glimpse of something underneath the hoodie. There were odd lumps on their back.

After they quickly checked that alley Kevin sighed in relief.

Kevin pushed himself off of the ground and ran back into the restaurant.

Okay so I don't really count this as a chapter, there wasn't even one line in it so...

I think of this as an in-between.

I hope this keeps ya entertained until I get the next chapter out.

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