streber real vampire au 😋😋 (part two)

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(oh yeah I forgot to mention in part one that this takes place during episode one of spooky month 🤩)

Kevins pov:


I awoke bluntly due to the loud noise.

"Mmnnguuh" was the weird ass noise I made while stretching my arms upwards in an attempt to awake myself more.


*Whisper* "Jesus.." I said hearing the previous sound but now louder.

I looked down to see streber sitting on a chair with his head and arms resting on my legs, snoring loud as fuck.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck and quickly brought my hand up to where it hurt to feel a bandage on my neck.

The bandage was loose and terribly wrapped but it was tight enough to do the job.

I thought back to the night before and remembered the events that had taken place before I passed out.

I put the pieces together and realized streber was the one who bandaged my neck and brought me to my bed.

Before I knew it streber woke up and as soon as he noticed I was awake aswell he practically jumped on me.

"OHMYGODKEVINAREYOUOKAY?IMSOSOSOSORRY!!" he yelled, speaking very quickly

He held me super tight but he must have accidentally touched his shoulder to my neck or something because I felt something touch my wound and I sharply gasped for a quick moment and pulled back from strebers

"Oh sorry! I guess that means it hadn't healed much overnight.." he said pulling away aswell as to not bother me.

"I was out for a WHOLE NIGHT??" I spoke, tensing up and slightly raising my voice.

Streber became nervous and looked in another direction, avoiding eye contact.

"Uhh, yeah, kinda.." he said

"What exactly happened after I went out?" I said, referring to after I passed out and collapsed

"Well I made my best attempt at bandaging your neck and layed you in bed"

"Oh o-... Wait, did you.. carry me..?" I spoke very hesitantly.

"Yeah, why?" He replied

"How did you- nevermind."

"How dare thou underestimate my true power!" He said, in his vampire voice that he used at the haunted house.

I chuckled and smiled at him.

He seemed happy for a moment before his attention got caught by something else.

" Oh boy.." he said

"What?" I asked

He glanced over at my neck, slightly gesturing his head towards it.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and when I got to the mirror I saw the bandage that was wrapped around my neck was drenched in blood.

I felt myself get slightly light headed but not enough to pass out, I just got a little queezy.

I immediately opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bandage roll.

I then hesitantly removed the soaked bandages and wrapped more around my neck, this time tighter and neater to clot the blood and stop the bleeding.

I walked back into the room to see streber sitting anxiously and twiddling his thumbs.

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