valentines special pt 2

215 4 18

Basically everything ABT this chapter in the previous chapter, read that one first.

Third person pov:

Streber woke up.

He was in Kevin's bed.

He seemed confused for a moment, knowing he fell asleep on the couch.

He stretched as he stood up.

He groggily walked out to the living room.

What he saw when he got there was Kevin.

Kevin was asleep on the couch.

Still in jeans and a t-shirt.

Streber then realized what Kevin had done for him that night.

[Insert eddsworlds flaaaaashbackk ]

Kevin had streber asleep on his shoulder, holding on to his arm super tight.

K💭: okay Kevin, problem solve, you can do this. What if I just pry him off?
No, that won't work, his grip is super-

Streber gripped harder onto Kevin's arm.

K💭: tight! Okay, uhmm.. Oh! What if I carry him to the bed? Yeah!

Kevin eventually began to carry streber.

He took him to the bedroom and placed him on the bed.

K💭: shit, what do I do now?? Uh, maybe make him comfortable so he relaxes his hand? Yeah, let's try that.

Kevin pulled a soft blanket over him and put a pillow under his head.

Eventually his grip lessened and Kevin could finally get his arm out.

He didn't know if streber was comfortable sleeping in the same bed so he just figured he'd sleep on the couch.

[ Eddsworld end of flaasshbackk ]

After streber recalled those events he checked Kevin's arm, wondering what damage he left after clawing him with his Talon ass nails.

He crouched down next to Kevin and lightly lifted his arm.

S💭: oh shit! How did I do that in my sleep!?

Kevin began to stirr.


He eventually opened his eyes and groaned groggily.

K: ..streber...?

Streber stood up straight and dropped Kevin's arm.


streber looked nervous.

K: what.. what were you doing with my arm?

Kevin sat up and stretched out his arms.

S: I, was just checking if it was okay, after I kinda.. clawed your arm when I was half asleep last night.

K: how do you even remember that?

S: well I was kinda, fake sleeping.

K: what, why?

S:... So you would carry me to the room.

Kevin looked shocked but kinda happy?

K: ya know, you could've just asked dude.. you didn't have to claw my arm.

S: okay, that was a genuine mistake! I thought your arm was a pillow or part of the couch!!

K: why would you claw those either?

Kevin x streber (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)Where stories live. Discover now