twink tactics (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

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Kevin's pov:

My shift at candy club had just ended.
After I slung my shoulder bag over my head I walked out the door,
leaving rick in the shop to finish the small amount of clean up I had left him.

I was waiting outside for the Uber I ordered to pick me up since my car was being repaired for a sticky break when I unlocked my phone.

I opened twitter and was scrolling through my feed when I noticed that streber had posted earlier that day,
It was a picture of him with some friends at a cafe.

I was entranced by his smile, his eyes.
His stupid fluffy soft shiny hair..

Rick walked out of the store flipping over the open sign to the side that said "closed".

I hadn't noticed yet, as I was still in my trance.

"Okay I'm fini-"

I looked over at him seemingly normal as you would when someone was talking to you.

"What are you looking at?" He said, looking at me with as much of a sly smirk he could muster, which wasn't much.

"What?" I said, visibly confused.
I didn't notice he saw me when I was in my trance.

"You seem very.. excited"


"No no, not that way. I mean you were looking at your phone like it was your wife."

That was some of the greatest releif in my life.

As I was mopping my eyebrows of sweat I hadn't seen rick lean to the side and look at my phone.

"Or husband.." he said, slightly hesitant.

Streber was the one holding the phone and the most noticeable.

I could tell what he saw.

Before I knew it I felt like a waterfall had poured down on me, without the pressure of the water though.

I look down at my hands and they were so sweaty I almost dropped my phone.

"I- uh- wha-"
I continued at the attempt of speech looking at the sidewalk, covered in leaves as rick walked to his beat up hatchback and began to drive off.

Leaving me speechless I look at my phone just as I got a notification from the Uber app, the Uber was just down the street.


I'm sorry this chapter is super boring but the next one will be better then this, pretty low bar ngl so won't be hard.
Anyways, still taking recommendations (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

405 words.

Kevin x streber (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)Where stories live. Discover now