7th Chapter

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I woke up in my room and looked around. I was finally in Paris, where I had met the love of my life. We couldn't continue our relationship due to my work but now, I could finally meet her again. Just then I heard a knock on my door and told the person to enter.

"Danielle we're going out in a few. Get ready." she told me and I nodded.

I got out from my bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wore my outfit for the day from my closet and did some simple make up. Since the agency will already do that, I didn't really do much. Today's runway is important. Fameous people would be watching from all around the world but the most important one would be three days later.

I got my purse from my night stand and I put my sneakers on before I got out of my hotel room. I was happy that I could see my long gone love for the first time in 7 years so I texted the person.


-I'm in Paris!


-Really? When can we meet?


-This night maybe? Just text me the adress and I'll come.


-Okay. See you soon.


-I love you :)

The person left me on read but I just that that they were busy so I didn't mind. I saw Mina and Haerin waiting for me while scrolling on their phones. I guess Haerin's sister and Chaeyoung won't accompany us.

"Come on Danielle! I swear we were going to turn into trees if you took much longer!" Mina said and I could see her fuming.

"Jeez but I didn't did I? Let's just go." I told them and they nodded.

A luxury limo pulled up and we got in. Mina and I were used this but I could see Haerin was gushing over everything. She was really something else. I grabbed my phone and checked my socials. My fans were really excited that I was in Paris because I was trending. I came accross a post that said I might be in love with Haerin because I didn't fire her. Well I was shocked too but things happen don't they? I wasn't in love with Haerin right? No way.. I was so lost in my thoughts that I sisn't even realize that we had arrived until the driver said so.

We walked towards the agency and they looked pleased to see me. They took me to a room and did my make up while Haerin was busy with something. I got curious so I couldn't help but ask.

"What are you doing?" I asked her but avoided to make eye contact since I couldn't even rotate my darn head since they were styling my hair.

"O-oh im just picking out an outfit for you miss." she managed to stutter. She was cute when she was shy.

"Make sure to pick out a good one." I said and turned back to the cold hearted version of my self. She looked really scared and nodded while trembling. I didn't want to scare her. That wasn't my intention anyways.

"We will take some practice runs!" a man shouted. All the models including me turned his way and nodded silently.

I wore the dress that was assigned for me along with a pair of glasses and high heels and wow it was stunning. I was one hell of a good picker now wasn't I? I am still thanking Liz for everything though don't get me wrong I would give her credit. This one model caught my attention. She was glaring at me while some artists were fixing up her make up. She was weird.

We started walking. Everything was going perfectly until that glaring model bumped into me and I almost fell off the fucking runway. She smirked but after she noticed that I didn't fall, she glared and left. That bitch. I was going to make her pay while we were actually running.

"Great job ladies. Be ready. The people will arive in about thirty minutes." he told us. I sighed in relief that he didn't notice me almost falling.

I went over to Mina and she gave me a small pep talk and said that everything would be fine. She also told me that this should be like practice for Ms. Chou's runway. It was really important and we both knew. I walked up to my dear designer and now my new assistant. She looked at me confusedly.

"Did something happen Ms. Marsh?" she asked me and I shaked my head to the left and to the right as in no.

"I just wanted you to tell Mina that I won't be coming. I have plans." I said. She nodded and went to I think the restroom. I was thinking about the person over and over again. I loved them and was glad to be able to see them again.

I was so lost in my thoughts yet again that I didn't notice that we would be starting. Silly me. The girls all started walking. That girl went ahead and I smirked. Everyone was watching us carefully and looking at us in awe. She tried to trip me again but failed. Instead, I tripped her. She fell to the ground. Luckily no one could notice that I did it since it seemed like she tripped on something. Well I wouldn't have done it if she didn't make me angry. I walked off while staff helped the girl that was now laying on the ground.

I changed into by usual clothes and told Haerin I would be taking my leave. I showed my cab the adress and he gladly drove to it. I got out of my car and saw them. This was really it. I hugged her tighlty but she only responded to it lightly. We went in the cafe and sat down.

"Oh how I missed you!" I said.

"Yeah me too but we have to talk." they said which made me confused.

"What is it Junghwan?" I asked him calmly.

"We need to end things." he told me and my mouth dropped wide open.

"WHAT?" I shouted and everyones gaze turned over to me.

"You can't be serious." I added.

"I am indeed. I fell for someone else. Sorry not sorry I guess." he said and went off. I couldn't believe my ears. I was mad and sad at the same time. 

I got out of the cafe, tears streaming down my soft and pale cheeks. I wanted to call Mina but I couldn't. My fingers wouldn't let me. I was a mess. Instead I called Haerin. I don't know why but something told me too. The girl on the other line picked up.

"Hello?" she softly asked.

"Please help me.."


-author :)

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