Rainy Day Activities

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Requested by Frozen_Soda

Summary: You and the rogues are stuck indoors for the night as it all but floods outside. What will you do to pass the time?

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     Riddler: What better to do on such a dreary day than play some video games? Edward was a game developer after all and still has a whole catalogue of puzzle games at his disposal, plus anything else he's made since then. Edward's already played most of them to death, but you haven't! And oh, does he just love watching you solve puzzles! The way your nose scrunches up as you concentrate or how you hum in thought. He basically stares at you the whole time like the lovesick puppy he is.

"You want to have a go, Eddie? There's no way watching me fail at this can be that entertaining." You ask after your mind stales yet again, leading you to aimlessly wander around in game. Edward's smug grin never left as he simply shakes his head, leaning against you and placing his arm around your shoulder.

"On the contrary! This is quite the show my dear! And you shouldn't underestimate that smart brain of yours. You'll figure it out."

"At least you think so."

"Hush. Remember our talk about self-positivity?" Edward tutted with a frown, putting his other arm around you to hold you closer to him. You let out a sigh followed by a small chuckle, quietly returning your gaze to the game in front of you. Your character wandered around for a moment more before your eyes noticed something on the screen was off. Like there was something there that wasn't before.

"Wait a minute... Aha!" After further investigation, you figured out just what you were seeing, your brain kicking into gear. Edward cheered with you, kissing your check as the game loaded the next level.

"There it is! See? Never doubt the Riddler!"

     Scarecrow: Jonathan takes any situation that forces him inside to work on his toxins, leaving you to read a book in the room next door. In other words, nothing out of the ordinary. That is until a thunderous roar erupted from just outside the apartment, followed by the power going out, leaving you in the dark. You heard a familiar voice curse in the distance and held back a laugh as a very peeved Jonathan burst into the room, lab coat lazily strung over his shoulder.

"Guess the universe had other plans for today." You joked, moving to light up a few candles around the place, knowing that Jonathan would appreciate the spooky lighting.

"The lights will probably be out for a while. City takes forever to fix the damn things." You ranted while handing Jonathan a candle, hearing a snort from him. He huffed out, "What's new?" There was a beat of silence as you disposed of the match you were using.

"So, what do we do now? I can't work and you can't read in this light." He asked, shoving his free hand into his pocket and rocking on his feet. You thought for a moment before smiling to yourself, pulling a confused Jonathan down to the floor and placing the candle in between you both, creating an ominous glow on both your figures.

"How about we tell some horror stories? It's the perfect atmosphere~"

"What are we, kids at a sleepover?" Jonathan laughed, clearly intrigued by the offer despite his dismissive comment. You huffed and playfully hit his shoulder. Jonathan shook his head and shifted his sitting position to be more comfortable.

"Okay, fine. But-" he then pointed to himself with a toothy grin. "I get to tell the first one." You smiled and leaned back, giving him a gesture that told him to go on. He cleared his throat, preparing his narrator voice, before leaning in and giving a very in-depth description of his story's setting, pulling you to lean in as well as you listened.

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