Meeting Your Family/Friends

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Requested by CartoonyKat

Summary: Introducing your family/friends to a well-known criminal. This can only end well.

A/N: Decided to change the title since I didn't really care for the last one tbh

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     Riddler: "How's my hair? What type of first impression would you get from this sweater?"

"Eddie-baby, you don't have to stress so much about this-"

"Yes I do!!" He takes this way too seriously. If you didn't know better, you'd assume he was stressing over a job interview at his dream job. He wants to make the best impression on anyone you hold dear, wanting them to see him as the perfect match for you.

Edward is rather on the nose about his whole villain persona, not hiding the fact but not bringing it up either. If your family/friends connect the dots, he's quick to assure them that you are in no form of danger and he swears on his life to give you the world and more! He'll try even harder to get the approval of your folks/friends if this is the case. Would be crushed if they didn't accept him or had any poor opinion of him by the end of the night. Would flip flop between being petty about the whole thing, seeing as he's clearly the best partner for you and they must be blind not to see that, to being desperate for their approval of your relationship.

     Scarecrow: "You... remember who you're dating, right?" He's very unsure about this. Jonathan's built his entire public persona around being one of the most feared criminals in Gotham, at least in his eyes. There's no way whoever you plan to introduce him to hasn't heard of him. The only thing that leads him to agree is because you're also in the crime business and it feels only necessary to get to know those close to you. So he bottles up his nerves and puts on his best outfit to make a good impression.

I'd imagine this particular meeting goes better than most others on this list considering you are also a well-known criminal in Gotham up to this point (dating the infamous Scarecrow sure helps to put a name out there). At worst, the only thing Crane would have to put up with is backhanded comments, which is nothing new to him. Sticking close to Jon and holding his hand during the whole event helps to ease his nerves and, depending on how receptive your peers seem to be, might start to brag about his past accomplishments, especially when he was a professor.

     Mad Hatter: "Oh my." He's conflicted. On one hand, this is a step in the right direction for your relationship, especially if Jervis plans on asking a certain question in the future. On the other hand, he's the Mad Hatter and an insecure man at heart.

Now, Jervis isn't the most prominent criminal in Gotham, so if you're lucky, your family/friends might not know about him. This is the best-case scenario since Jervis can focus more on charming your peers and would make a pretty good first impression. To anyone who doesn't know his criminal record, the man appears to be just a soft-spoken, lovesick gentleman (which he is when he's not jealous/upset). Now if they do know about his whole Mad Hatter persona, good luck. Considering Jervis's first and most infamous crime was kidnapping and mind controlling his crush, your friends/family would be worried for your safety. If they make these concerns apparent in front of Jervis, it might send him into a bit of a nervous panic as he tries to explain himself, which only makes him come off as mad.

     Penguin: "It seems only natural that I get acquainted with your family/companions." He's the most casual about the whole thing. Of course, you would want this. This is how relationships go, right? It was bound to happen. He only wishes he could return the favor, but he doesn't have a family to fall back on and doesn't want you involved with the other rogues just yet.

There's no hiding that he's the Penguin, but his schemes usually aren't as out there as some of his colleagues, so your family/friends may be willing to turn more of a blind eye. He's a true gentleman the whole time and makes it crystal clear just how much he cares about you, proving to everyone there that you are in good hands. Considering how dangerous Gotham can be, having a criminal such as the Penguin on your side might be the best way to stay safe.

     Two-Face: "I don't have a good feeling about this..." / "Let the coin decide." Like many big steps in your relationship, they have to flip on it. That's just how they are. If the coin decides Two-Face should go, they won't argue with it, but neither will they like it. Harv is more confident about the whole ordeal, knowing your folks/friends won't be to open to him but not caring one bit. Harvey is a different story, wanting to avoid the meeting entirely.

Harvey fights to keep control throughout the meeting, but chances are that Harv is the main one talking since Harvey is just so damn paranoid. Harv's rougher nature won't help ease your family/friends to him, so come prepared with a way to work around him. Similar to Oswald, your peers may see this as more of a positive over time, sighting that Harvey was more than capable of keeping you safe.

     Harley Quinn: "*squealing intensifies*" She's so excited. This means your relationship is getting serious! She's been preparing for this for a while, dragging out the perfect dress for just the occasion. Might even return the favor by asking if you would like to meet some of her folks, at least the ones she stayed in contact with after going rogue.

She doesn't hide the fact that she's Harley Quinn, but she does denounce the Joker the whole time, citing you as a better partner in every sense of the word. Your family/friends have their concerns, but Harley is likely to brush them aside and just gush about your relationship. If you are visiting family, she's going to ask about your childhood (definitely wants to see any baby photos and hear stories). Even if the meeting goes horribly, Harley still wants to see them again; she's determined to get on their good side for you.

     Poison Ivy: "You really want to do this, pumpkin? You sure? Alright. Whatever makes you happy." Doesn't see why this is necessary, but if it makes you happy, she's willing to put up with it. Not that stressed about making a good impression. Either they like her or they don't. Your opinion is the only one that matters to her, so unless you mention any concerns prior to the meeting, she's likely to act indifferent. If you do care about your family's/friend's opinions of the relationship, Pamela will be sure to turn up the charm, though you owe her a date/cuddles after.

Another that can't hide her criminal identity, so your friends/family are going to have to deal with it. She makes it known that you aren't in any harm's way and chose this sort of life willingly; Ivy will take the blame for a lot of things, but she refuses to hear that she forced you into the criminal life or your relationship. If your family/friends even hint at that being the case, you might have to break up a fight.

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