Weapon Enthusiast

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Requested by OoginBoogin

Summary: The rogues discover their s/o's love for weaponry and that they have an entire room dedicated to the subject. They make their own weapons and even own some from other worlds, thanks to a close friend.

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     Riddler: Edward picked up on your prolonged absence over time and, being the attention starved boyfriend he is, had to find out what could possibly keep you so busy. Cut to him now standing in the middle of your collection, eyes filled with wonder at just how much you were able to attain. He instantly recognizes certain pieces as being not of this world and practically trips over himself to get to you and ask about them. Have you been to other worlds? Why were you hiding such a cool interest from him?! You explain the whole situation and Edward is in awe at just how resourceful and creative you can be. 100% gets interested in the subject as well (most likely the history behind such creations so he can ramble off facts) and loves to watch you work. Can and will brag about your talents to others; yet another reason that Edward considers you his equal. Who else in Gotham could compare to such skill?

"What other talents are you hiding from me, dear?"

     Scarecrow: The Batman ended up breaking Jonathan's scythe during their latest encounter which gave you the perfect opportunity to jump in and offer your assistance. He was initially confused, wondering just how you planned to help, until you dragged him into your secret weaponry room. Blades of all shapes and sizes, guns, and so much more. Many even appeared mythical, if that was the right word. Jonathan would take in every story you told about each item, how you obtained it or made it. To say Jonathan is interested would be an understatement. He takes a break from his own work to observe you repair his scythe and even make it look better, adding simple touches to help it stand out as the Scarecrow's weapon. You listen to him ramble on about fear, so he listens to you ramble on about this with attentive ears and a soft smile on his features. If you're willing to actually use any of your weapons in combat, he would be all here for it. The bat won't stand a chance against the two of you with both his fear toxin and your own craftsmanship!

"Together we will show Gotham the true meaning of fear!"

     Mad Hatter: He stumbled upon it by pure accident. Jervis can get a little distracted especially when he's deep in thought and ends up walking wherever his feet take him. This leads him to where he is now. Another person that's rather fascinated with the whole thing considering his minor obsession with beheading the bat. Very apologetic when he sees you next considering he didn't respect your privacy by just walking into the room all willy-nilly (at least that's how he feels). Makes sure to throw in a bunch of compliments about the collection though. Eyes light up when you tell him you've made a few of the pieces. You're just so talented! Might ask if you'd be willing to make him a personalized exe, one to match his theme better. Respects your wishes if not though you would make his year if you did; tbh he would get really possessive over the axe and go absolutely mad if anyone did even the smallest thing to ruin your craftsmanship. Does stress a bit if you were to get hurt while handling any of the weapons.

"Such a fun hobby! Though you should be careful, my dearest. You know I can't bare to see you hurt."

     Penguin: Would casually ask you about your less frequent visits to the longue which prompts you to invite him over to see for himself. Stunned speechless for a moment as he takes the whole thing in. Why did you keep this a secret? Well, he could assume why, but you truly are talented. A real artist! Appreciates the work and creativity that goes into the whole process and starts to buy you materials so you can make more. If you ever need money for your hobby, which I could imagine gets quite expensive, then say no more. He'll happily fund any project of yours and hopes you show off each piece to him when you're done. Depending on your knowledge on more mechanical weapons, he would let you mess around and upgrade his trusty umbrella.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

     Two-Face: Chances are Harvey ran into a door in your home that he doesn't remember ever entering, leading his curiosity to build over what it could be. Some persuasion from Harv and a coin flip later, and the two walk in to be met with your workspace. Both personalities are interested in the whole thing, but for slightly different reasons. Harv because of the obvious reasons due to his more violent nature, but Harvey appreciates the genuine work and talent behind each weapon. Not to mention the story on some of the more otherworldly items. How did you manage to get such items anyway? Would question you the next time you two meet. Harv may ask to use a few for future confrontations.

"I knew there was a reason I was drawn to ya."

     Harley Quinn: Gushing over the whole thing the second she finds out. Supportive girlfriend through and through. She inquires about each and every item just to hear you explain just how you obtained them, listening to each story with a smile. Totally brings up the idea of testing out your creations. Another rogue that would brag about your talents to others, especially those with similar interests. Goes to you when her hammer gets damaged.

"My y/n could make somethin' way better than that! Right, y/n?"

     Poison Ivy: Considering you both live in the same place, you had to bring up the idea to her early on in the relationship. Pamela is more than happy to indulge your own hobbies alongside her own, as long as they don't harm her plants. She helps set up the room and makes sure you always have supplies for new projects and loves to see the final product. Probably ends up meeting this friend that you get your more unique weapons from. Definitely encourages you bring a weapon or a few on heists.

"I always knew you had a dangerous edge to you."

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