[13.] Jin's Surprise

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Dao was about to leave the practice room when five boys walked into it singing, two of which were holding a birthday cake. Throughout the day, Dao's members as well as other trainees at Big Hit all wished her a happy birthday when they saw her. But still, she didn't expect the boys to do what they were doing now even after Yeonjun's warning two days beforehand.


"Guys, you didn't have to... but thank you," Dao said.

She gave up as they started to sing for her. She even clapped along to the happy birthday song as Beomgyu messed around and tried to hit all the highest notes which were completely unnecessary though it made everyone laugh.

"Noona, happy birthday!" Kai said as he held out a huge koala plushie to Dao. She giggled shyly before taking it and hugging it to her chest.

"Thank you, Ningning!" Dao said as she set the plushie down and hugged the youngest member.

"I got you something too, Noona!" Beomgyu exclaimed. He held out a small black box wrapped in a blue bow. Dao hugged him too as she took the present from his hand.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"Open it and find out," Beomgyu shook his head.

"It's from all of us," Taehyun quickly clarified. He slung an arm over Beomgyu's shoulders as everyone watched Dao unwrap the bow and open the box.

She was stunned, Dao gasped and put a hand up to her mouth. She was really touched as she picked up a silver chain with a locket on the end.

"It's so you'll never feel homesick," Yeonjun explained.

"Yeah, see?" Soobin pointed. "If you wear it we'll always be with you--"

"We're always with her anyway," Kai laughed.

"But now she won't be able to escape from us, even for a second," Beomgyu grinned.

"Screwed," Taehyun commented. "Noona's utterly screwed from ever leaving us."

"I don't mind," Dao reassured them. "And I love it! I really love it so much! Thank you, guys... " she said as Yeonjun and Soobin set the cake down before getting attacked by Dao. She pulled all of the boys into a group hug as they groaned and laughed, but loved every second of it.

Afterward, Soobin offered to help Dao with the necklace, she moved her hair to the side as he clipped the locket around her neck. Inside the locket was a group photo of TXT. Dao was in the middle with Beomgyu trying to sit on her lap, Soobin and Yeonjun were behind her trying to keep her upright, and Taehyun and Kai were each leaning an elbow down against her shoulders.

"Alright, blow out your candles so we can cut the cake!" Yeonjun exclaimed.


TXT returned to their dorm later that day after their small celebration of Dao's birthday. She gained yet another plushie toy to her already insane collection as well as a beautiful locket that she was refusing to ever take off again.

As for tomorrow, TXT had a busy schedule thanks to Big Hit's staff. They were also trying to somehow squeeze in a few free minutes to work on their new song. It was all just really tiring, but all Dao could think about was how much she missed Jin. He'd texted her this morning followed by a phone call around noon but other than that, that's all Dao got from him on her birthday.

She laid back on her bed with a sigh and suddenly her phone started to ring, she reached for it mindlessly and answered the call without looking.


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