[04.] It All Started With Emojis

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Dao was running late that day, she was behind on schedule. She slept over at Tu's house the night before and was late for the first two classes of the day. Luckily though, Boss managed to get her back on track by taking the attendance registry for her as well as all of her important class notes.

When Dao finally made it back home only her brother and his co-star (soulmate), Prem, were there. Their parents were out of the city for the week, which was probably the main reason for the chaos that was Dao's morning.

She fell into the chair opposite Boun and Prem at the dining table. Dao was starving and they were eating Chicken Satay.

(Side note: P' is used for someone older than you in the Thai language)

"Hi, P'Prem," Dao greeted the older boy.

"Nong Dao," Prem smiled at her.

"And I'm just invisible," Boun mumbled to himself as he brought a plate from the kitchen and dished up his sister some food.

"Sorry," Dao grinned sheepishly at her brother. "Hello, P'Boun, how are you today?"

"That's better," Boun chuckled. He set her plate down in front of her before playfully ruffling Dao's hair. She swatted his hand away but still giggled.

Prem loved to watch the Guntachai siblings in their natural element, he could watch them all day long and never get bored. He wished he had a sister but unfortunately, Prem was an only child although Boun did offer to share Dao with him. Ever since the two met and starred in their first series together they'd been inseparable, so really Dao had another brother now. Because it's such a normal thing to find Prem in their home, sitting and eating with them, or just hanging out. Actually, on days that Prem wasn't there and actually did go home something always felt off and missing.

"How's filming going?" Dao asked as she opened a can of cherry coke.

"Good, everything's fine," Boun nodded.

"Tiring!" Prem groaned. "It's only the second day of filming and I'm already exhausted."

"You've only had one scene," Boun pointed out with a dead stare. "I've had six already. How do you think I should feel?"

"But P', you can do it," Prem said, trying to butter Boun up. "You're good at everything!"

Boun softly tugged at Prem's cheek with an annoyed grin on his face. "Such a sweet talker..."

Dao laughed at the two's drastically different responses but sort of zoned out on them when she remembered she hadn't texted Jin today yet. She noticed the date this morning during her first class of the day which was actually her third class of the day because she was late.

I wonder if Jin oppa remembers what today is, Dao thought. You could call it an anniversary of me texting myself. I doubt he remembers... he's probably got like a million other things to worry about. He's an idol, after all.

I can just tell him I've passed my exams for like the hundredth time! Dao thought and shrugged.


- Hey, WWH... I passed my exams!

Dao clicked her phone off and set it down on the table as she focused back on her brother and Prem's conversation. She started to eat the Chicken Satay, which was suspiciously delicious and was probably made by Boun for Prem. Her brother's cooking skill was never better than on the days when he was cooking for Prem, otherwise, it was barely edible food.

Dao stuffed another spoonful into her mouth but ended up choking when she got a notification on her phone. She couldn't believe her eyes and was instantly coughing her lungs out to try and breathe again. Boun and Prem stopped bickering mid-conversation and Boun was up in less than a second to pat his sister's back. Dao finally calmed down as she gulped in a breath of air and hurriedly reached for her phone.

"Dao, are you okay?" Prem asked in concern.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly choke?" Boun asked. "You should focus only on eating when you eat! Don't play with your phone!" he scolded her as he sat back down beside Prem.

"Okay, okay... " Dao distractedly answered.

She wasn't listening to her brother at all but staring wide-eyed at her phone where Jin had actually (for the first time in a year) replied to her. She was stunned and completely speechless. It wasn't anything big, actually, it was really small. It was just an emoji but to Dao, it was a really, really huge deal.


- Hey, WWH... I passed my exams!

- 👏

- O.O

- ^_^

- 👍

- I can't believe it!
You're actually answering me!!!

- 👍

- Wow!!!
How are you WWH Jin???????

- 😄

- T.T

"I can't believe he's finally talking to me but only in emojis," Dao mumbled through a beaming smile. She knew her brother and Prem were staring at her right now but she was pretty content on ignoring them.

Jin was finally, finally for the first time texting her back... sort of.

- that's good to know 💩

- 💩??

- 😜😜

- 🙀😾

- 😁

- 😬

- cute!!

"What is going on with you?!" Boun finally exclaimed. He wasn't sure if he was worried about his sister or wanted to know if she'd finally lost her mind.

"He texted me back!" Dao jumped up from her seat and did a happy dance in the middle of the kitchen. It made Boun even more confused while Prem just chuckled.

"What is happening?" Boun mouthed to Prem, who only shrugged.

"She's your sister, how must I know?"

"Who texted you back?" Boun asked.

(Side note: Hia is used as an affectionate alternate of P' for an older brother or older guy)

"Jin! Jin! Jin! Hia, Jin texted me back!" Dao excitedly stomped her feet and brightly smiled.

"Really?" Boun asked in shock, even quirking an eyebrow.

Of course, Dao had told Boun about what had happened that day at the Blood, Sweat & Tears fan meeting. Dao told Boun everything. They've always told each other everything ever since they were kids because nothing was a secret when it came to the Guntachai siblings. Boun wasn't sure what to think but as long as his sister was happy, what else was there? Why should he pretend to be one of those overprotective brothers only to end up ruining his sister's life and getting Dao to eventually hate him? He didn't see the point.

Starting from that day onward, Dao and Jin's conversation evolved. The emojis became short answers and eventually over time the short answers became long ones. Soon enough, they were close to each other without even realizing it. Jin knew what Dao liked and hated and she knew what he liked and hated. They got to know one another's allergies, pet peeves, and good and bad habits.

Though they hadn't even met in person for a second time yet.

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