Chapter Twenty Three

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"Come on, let's eat" Changbin whined before pulling me up from my seat

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"Come on, let's eat" Changbin whined before pulling me up from my seat. I yelped, hurrily writing the last bit of notes in my book before closing them.

"I was almost finished, you could've waited a bit" I pretended to sulk. He's not the only one that could use the acting-cute card.

Changbin immediately stopped me from walking with him and faces me, with both of his hands on my shoulders.

He leaned down slightly to match my height.

"I'm sorry, babe but I'm hungry" he pouted, looking at me with that doo-doo eyes. He's doing that again!

I looked away, trying to hide my smile.

Dang, why is he so cute?

"Are blushing, my baby?" Changbin teased as he used his hand to make me face him again. I couldn't hold the smile on my lips as I playfully rolled my eyes and turn away from him.

"Come on, I'm hungry too" I told him as I walk towards the cafeteria. I heard him laugh behind me before quickly catching up to me.

Yeji and others were already at our table. We bought our foods and sat with them.

"What were you guys doing? The recess is almost over" Hyunjin questioned the moment we both settled down on our seats.

"My girlfriend was finishing her class notes" Changbin said with a shrug.

"Oh, really?" Hyunjin gave us the teasy look. I immediately understand his intention and only looked at him with warning eyes.

"Well, I mean if you ask us—" I don't even need to hear Changbin explain any further since I know where this is going so I stopped him.

"Changbin, no" I nudge his shoulder a little hard but instead, Changbin winked at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

I'm not going to lie, it made my heart flutter and I swear I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"It's them again" Yeji stated, looking at the people behind me. I frowned before turning to look at my back.

There he was, Minho. He's eating with his newly found friendship with a boy younger than him. I have seen them together so often ever since Minho told Changbin that he lost him as a friend.

Minho avoided each one of us and never give us the chance to talk to him. He would rather act like he didn't hear us or just simply walk away.

I was a bit upset when he ignored us all but I understand that he's actually trying to heal. It's great that he found someone who can be with him and support him from time to time. I wish that one day he would change his mind and be friends with Changbin, Chan and Hyunjin again.

They were dying to talk to him. Changbin never really said it but I know that he missed his lousy brother too.

"What was his name again? Jiyung? Jiyoo?" Hyunjin asked, lowkey glaring at the two who's now laughing so happily.

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