Chapter Sixteen

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"Are you sure you can survive today?" Yeji asked me as soon as we entered the school, seemed to be worried about my mental health today

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"Are you sure you can survive today?" Yeji asked me as soon as we entered the school, seemed to be worried about my mental health today.

I'm glad I called and told her everything that happened last night since I felt a lot better after the talk.

"I'll be fine" I tried to give her reasurrance. Well, I need it for myself too.

She was quiet for a solid minute before she hums and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Just tell me if anyone mess with you, I'll kick their butts" she joked but it lowkey sounded serious.

I smiled, turning my head to face her as I nod. She returned my smile before we both continue to walk towards our classroom.

It was quiet between us and I couldn't help but to let the memories of the days where Changbin and I had spent together floods in my head. The smiles, the laugh, the way his eyes stared into mine.. it was all a lie.

Those happiness were suddenly washed away by dark vibes as his mockery laughter rang in my ears. Everything he had said to me yesterday could be heard loud and clear.

I can feel my eyes start to get teary as I quickly push the memories away from my mind as I take a deep breath in.

I can't let people see me cry. Not after I've put on thick concealer to cover my swollen and dark under eyes.

"Do you wanna hang out after school? It has been awhile" Yeji turned to me. I gave it a thought before shrugging.

"I'm only thinking of my bed" I told her with a cheeky smile.

"Come on, let's have some fun!" she chirped.

I was about to reply to her when an impact as hard as a metal could be felt on my right shoulder as someone bumped into me. I was pushed to side slightly as I groaned out of pain.

"You're blocking the way" Changbin's hoarse voice greeted my ears. I was about to glare at him when I noticed the blood on the corner of his lips.

My mind went blank, not knowing what to reply to him as I just stand on my feet. He scoffed before turning to walk away from the hall.

I held my shoulder, flinching slightly. Was it intentional? There's no way it's an accident since he hit me pretty hard.

"That asshole" Yeji mumbled with her fist raised slightly in the air. She was about to follow after him but I stopped her.

"Let him be" I said and waited for her to calm down.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the school nurse?" Yeji asked, worried since I hissed while moving them.

I shake my head no while giving her a soft smile.

"I could manage it" I told her as she hummed, still worried.

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