23. Role Reversal

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“I don’t understand why Animikii is being so nice to that girl. Troy sticks to her like glue, I am getting sick and tired of playing sweet valley high with her!” Misha screamed.

“A has his reasons, you know that? He’s not doing this to punish us, he is thinking of our future by taking Kitsune’s human vessel and twisting her wolf spirit using Briar to do it. It’s a deliciously elegant plan, don’t you think?” Moon asked her.

“You’re just as sick as he is! Are you sure you’re not related? Mental illness runs in the family, you know?” Misha said and walked away, heels clacking against the marble floor.

Troy sat at the little table in Briar’s room, listening to her playing Four Seasons by some composer or another. When they were alone like this, it was the only time he allowed himself to fantasize that he was her real mate, they were just normal wolves, and he didn’t know what he knew about her, or what her fate was. They could just be  two wolves, happy, in love, and free.

“If only.” He accidentally said aloud. Luckily she didn’t hear his words. When she had finished, she had to set her violin down as the familiar knot twisted at the base of her neck, which meant she had maybe 10 minutes until the dark, night without stars claimed her again.

Troy saw this, recognizing what was happening. “You should rest. I will come back later.” Troy closed the door, leaving Briar alone. She went to her cot and lay down, wrist draped across her eyes, falling into black nothingness.


You are doing well. You are the smartest human vessel I have ever had. I have sensed a change in your friends.

They have had something big and traumatic happen among them. They are searching for something, but I can’t clearly see what they are searching for.

There are Quads your father sends get just close enough to our location, but just can’t seem to find it. A is a master Illusionist. You will see what he wants you to see, even when you, yourself don’t want to see it.

Troy is being used by A to seduce you away from Rei. The amulet you wear now is so that Troy can bypass the fact that you and Rei have already imprinted. As long as you wear the amulet, you and Rei are fine. The second it is removed, a reaction will begin, you and Rei will slowly go numb, never to wake again. Always wear it and do0 not let on that you know I told you.

One last thing, they have been lying to you when they told you when they say your birthday is next week. You have 2 and a half weeks until your birthday. 
I will write again soon. Let them believe you are under their spell, it will blow up in his face when we emerge and he will not be able to control us, or bind us. As always, be careful and stay safe!


When their eyes had adjusted to the low light, the twins started to move to where Dove picked up the scent.

“Do you even know where we’re going?” Stryxx asked.

“You didn’t teach me everything you know?” Dove snorted. “Can’t you feel the flow of air we've been running towards this whole time? Do you smell the outside air, calling us, leading us to the blossoms and the way out.”

“I guess father was wrong! He thought you were always messing around when he spoke of the old ways.” He laughed.

“I listened to everything that man told me, I heard his wolf too.” Dove stepped over a pile of rocks and up onto the step that would lead them to the path to the blossoms.

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