19. Disconnection

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Dove got into Rei’s Jeep and took off in the direction of the Row. He had felt Kitsune there. If he were to get close enough to her location, he could pick up her static and it would lead him straight for her location. 25 minutes after he left the KingBears, he arrived in the outskirts of the Row.

He needed a place to park where no one would recognize his ride, and walk in. When he saw a house with just enough foliage to hide him, he parked 3 blocks away and made for that house. Making it without anyone catching him, he just sat there, listening, watching,  and waiting to see what he need to.

Around 3 am he saw what he was waiting for. Three wolves walking together discussing something of great importance. Dove decided its now or never and jumped out of the Jeep and sprinted a few blocks ahead of them so he could cut them off and ask his questions.

“He’s, never going to let that girl go, not till she emerges. Then he plans on either keeping her for himself or he’s going to let Troy have her. She’s not Kitsune, that’s for sure.” The female of the group laughed.

Dove jumped out at them, fully released. “Who holds Briar KingBear's chains, where is she and is she ok?”

“Who the hell are you?” the female asked, wide eyed.

“What is your business here?” the tall male asked.

“Are you an Alpha?” Dove asked.

“We are all betas. A doesn’t allow Alphas outside his inner circle.” The female said.

“Good. That’s excellent. I am an Alpha and I need to know where Briar is being kept.” Dove locked eyes with all three, bridging them to their knees.

“You are Alpha? Who?” the girl asked.

“Yes, THE Alpha. All of you stand. I need you to tell me where she is. You know as well as I do, she doesn’t belong here. Her family is worried and I need to be the one who brings her home.” Dove growled.

“Just because you’re an Alpha, doesn’t mean you’re our Alpha. Scatter!” the three split into 3 different directions. Dove took off after the female wolf, she would be the easiest to crack when he got her back to the KingBears. After a 5 minute chase, Dove caught up to his prey. Backed against the wall, she covered her head and crouched next to a garbage can, her head in her hands due to Dove’s Alpha influence screaming through her head.

“STOP PLEASE? If he knows I told you anything, I’ll b the next one time end up dead.” She screamed.

“If you talk, I will bring you to where you won’t have to worry about anyone from here trying to find you and we can keep you safe.” Dove tried to gentle way first

“I can’t get away from A. He’s in my mind, that’s how he keeps track of us. If you take me back, they will find you.” She said.

“What’s your name? I’m Dove, my human is Rei Strauss.”

“I’m Lyria. Thank you for this. I’m sick and tried of being used.” She sighed.

“When we get back to my friends, no one will come for you. We have some of the oldest wolves surrounding us like a protective shield.” Dove drove on in silence. 20 minutes later, they pulled into the KingBear’s driveway.

“Come on, they won’t bite you. They are good wolves.” He offered her his hand.
Artemis rushed out of the house, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw their visitor.

“Brother, get away from her. NOW! She’s a Nightshade and you have allowed her to find out main base of operations! Damn it Dove! I know you couldn’t have possibly seen her mark of the Shade, but I expected you to be smarter about things. What’s your name, wolf?” Artemis demanded.

“Lyria.” She looked up at him with silver eyes, the same as Artemis. That made him take a step back.

“Turn your eyes from me!” He yelled, bringing out Stryxx.

“Whoa, brother. Please be kind, she could have had her 2 big friends she had with her attack me, but she came with me alone and of her own free will. Let’s just go inside and find out what she knows?” Dove asked, leading her into the house.

“This will not end well, brother. I hope you can trust her. You brought her here, and is your responsibility now.” Stryxx walked back in the house to give the others warning of their visitor.

“I don’t know what he was thinking by bringing that wolf here. Whatever his reason, it’s his own.” Kyle advised him.

“Dove, forgive me for going rogue, but this is Lyria. I submitted her as one of A’s associates. I know where your daughter is, and A’s endgame. I’m not safe here. I told Dove I will help you, but in return I need help.” Lyria said.
Noni noticed that Lyria was looking to her a lot. “I’m Noni, would you mind if we spoke in private?” she whispered, wiggling her finger at Shae.

“What can I do to help?” she asked Noni.

“If you boys don’t mind, but I think us ladies need to talk. You boys stay here, and do whatever you guys do without us.” Noni and Shae ushered Lyria out of the room.

“Can Dove come too? He’s kind of my security blanket?” she asked, looking at Dove in panic.

"He will be in shortly. He has to tell the others what he knows, then he will be with you.” Noni shot a pleading look at Dove.

“I promise they will not hurt you, or make you do or say anything unless you want to tell them. Just get to know ow them, and relax. If you’re hungry, thirsty, or need anything else, Shae will go to the ends of the earth for it. You are in safe hands. I won’t be long.” He flashed her a smile.

When they were sure they couldn’t be heard, Noni approached Lyria. “Tell us what appended to you, what you see coming, and the endgame.”

“If you worried about what this A will do to you, why did you run? More to the question, why did he allow you to leave and get caught?” Shae asked.

“A rules with an iron fist. No fun, no gathering except for pack business, if any wolf is found committing a treasonous act there’s no chance of a trial, only punishment or exile. Death is too kind for A.” Lyria explained.

“What is your reason for bringing this stray home?” Stryxx roared.

“She’s the first and only wolf on A’s side has offered any intel on what’s going on. She will fill us in on the missing links we haven’t figured out yet. Give it a chance?” Dove asked.

“If this turns out to be a trap, you know how those ends, don’t you?” Stryxx reminded him of a time long ago.

“I need you to understand why I’m doing this.” Dove said.

“What reason could you possibly have?” Stryxx asked.

“When another’s life is in your hands, you act much differently. As you said, I’m growing up.” Dove smiled.

“What happened to make her go with you? How did you even know where to find her?” Kyle asked.

“First, I’m better on my own. Second, I have only one wolf to worry about fucking things up, and third, I can force lock Rei’s emotions, so I can release my whole aura. There are only 3 wolves that can submit and control me: Stryxx, Kitsune, or our father. The only ones I fear and respect are Stryxx and Kitsune. That is why we are all here, right? To find Briar?” Dove growled.

Madness Descends जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें