12. First Light

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"Are you alright, son?" Kyle and Rei ran over to Artemis, while the others went in search of the Wolf that howled. Rei looked at Artemis,

"Who was that? Did you see?" Rei asked.

"No. I have never come across its scent before tonight. Father is right, there is a new player in town. Kyle, do you recognize the scent?" He asked.

"I thought I recognized the howl, but I don't know for sure." Kyle sighed.

"Tris and Nico are out there. They may have seen who it was and given chase." Artemis said.

"Rico and Shae are out there as well. They are my best tracker and seeker." Kyle said.

"If they meet up with Nico and Tris, the four of them won't kill each other, will they?" Noni asked.

"No. They know your husband and his wolves are here, helping. There will be no quarrels." Rei said, walking towards the house. The rest of them followed in silence.

Once inside, Rei sat at the dining room table, receding into his mind where he could speak with Dove, his inner wolf. Artemis stood watch over him.

The Fang made you vulnerable to your inner wolf taking over. In this situation, where human emotions and wolf's rage run high, there's a separation, a disconnection that happens and through the cracks an inner wolf could fully emerge and take control. That would leave Rei locked in a sleep, leaving Dove wide awake, angry, and without Rei's humanity.

"I'm right here, brother. See you soon." Artemis whispered.

"Rei and Artemis never knew they were standing right on top of their prize, and never knew you were here." A said looking at a sleeping Briar. "Kyle and Dranken have great instincts, but they will not be able to find you here. Not until the corruption I have already begun, takes root inside sweet, innocent Briar. Kyle, you should have told your daughter what she is to become. Bad Daddy..." A laughed, walking out of the Dark, cold room.
Briar may not have heard his words, but Kitsune heard every one, chilling her to the bone.

This was the Darkness she had been reborn to defeat. It had been reborn before her this time. In the morning, Troy brought her some food, clean clothes, and a female who would help her clean up after she ate.

"This is Misha. She is one of A's favorites, like me. She will be back after your done to take you to where you can get cleaned up. A requests that you meet with him this morning." Troy explained tossing Briar some clothes.

"I don't wear dresses. I'll be just fine in what I'm wearing." Briar stared up at him defiantly.

"You have been in those clothes for a few days now, we thought you would want to," Briar cut Misha off.

"I don't care about what A or anybody else wants, I'm here until I'm dead, or useless to you anyway. What does it matter if I'm clean or flea ridden?" Briar lashed out.

"You've got fire. A will be pleased." Misha laughed and started towards her. Briar wasn't having it. When she woke, her chains were gone. Only the circular links were left.

"Careful, Misha. You know what she's capable of." Troy smiled.

"I can handle this human." Misha scoffed.

"Alright, you're the Big Dog, go get some." Troy backed off.

Misha turned back to Briar to assist her in dressing and washing. "Troy is a nice guy, I'm not so nice. You're going to wear what A wants you to. You will be clean, you will be silent, and you will not cause us any problems. Understood?" Misha insisted, advancing on Briar.

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