1. Chivalry Is Not Dead

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December 2nd...4:29 am...

Bri woke up with a start. Afraid she was still trapped in her dream, she reached over to the nightstand and clicked on the lamp, flooding her room with warm, welcoming light.

Briar exhaled, grateful that it was only the reoccurring nightmare that hadn't plagued her for months now. Why was she having this memory now?

The dream started about 1 year ago when she went hiking with her best friend, Rina Skye and a few others from her old school in Seattle. It's always the same wolves and her by a cave deep in the woods on her parent's 40 acre lot. She always ran the same way, from her log cabin to a cave, but she never got to finish the dream. Did she die? Did her wolf protector die and the white wolf take her captive?

She had been dreaming about these two wolves, one, a huge snow white wolf attacks her while the other, a black wolf slightly smaller than the other protected her. Dismissing her dream, the thought of going back to sleep had crossed her mind, but was quickly rejected by her now awake body. Today was her first day at her new high-school, middle of the year.


Being the new kid used to work in her favor, when she in 3rd grade. Now she was almost a 17 year old junior, at the bottom of the totem pole, socially, knowing no one.


"Bri! I heard your alarm go off, put your feet on the floor and get up. I've got your breakfast down here. Your favorite, waffles and berries." Noni her mom called upstairs.

"I'll be down in a few, shower first!" She yelled back. Twenty minutes later, Bri was putting her hair in a ponytail coming down the stairs, almost falling down half of them before reaching the bottom.

"How do you manage on a volleyball court, but can't walk down carpeted stairs? You are your father's child!" her mom laughed.

"I don't get it either mom. Maybe I should invest in a helmet and knee pads?" Bri giggled and sat at the island in the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"You nervous about today kid?" Noni asked.

"A little, why? Can I stay home if I am?" Bri asked a smile played on her lips.

"Dream on." her mom laughed, "You sure you want to walk to school? I can't give you a ride, I have papers to sign before I start today."

"I don't need my mommy to walk me to the principal's office on my first day." Bri teased.

"I can see that you are all grown up and onto a new, this woll be a fresh start for both of us." Noni smiled.

"Is dad coming to live with us soon?" Bri asked, hopeful.

"He has to stay back in Seattle as the CEO of KingBear Corporations there, while I start up our new branch here. We all agreed to this plan, BrI. Your father had something shipped to you for your first day. Want it now, or would you like to finish eating?" she asked, a giggle escaped her.

"Are you drunk, mom? What is wrong with you?" Bri laughed, "Of, coarse I want it now. Where is it?" she asked, getting excited.

"In the driveway, but put your boots on! We are in Colorado now!" Noni called, watching her daughter sprint to the front door. Bri flung open the door, and the fully loaded Chevy Blazer she'd wanted from back home, asked her parents for, but had to leave before she got it.

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