10. Captivity

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When Briar came to, she was in a dark, cold room. She could feel something heavy around her wrists, making her unable to move very far. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw a figure standing motionless in the corner, shrouded by shadows.

"Hello? Who are you? Why am I here?" Bri asked the figure. Receiving no answer, she yelled hoping for different results.

"You are definitely your father's child. When you emerge, you will be lethal. With the right training, that is. Keep quiet in here, A doesn't like to be disturbed." The figure ducked out of the room.

"Who is A? Tell me, please?" Briar screamed. She didn't understand anything the figure was talking about. Emerge? She knew what the word meant, she just couldn't figure out how it applied to her.

Briar didn't know how much time had passed from when the figure left, to the time she heard footsteps approaching the door to the room she was in. Before the person opened the door, Bri crawled into the darkest corner of the room, preparing for death.

"Ah, Briar, you don't have anything to fear from me, don't you know that?" the voice laughed.

"Are you A? What do you want with me?" Briar screamed.

"All will be revealed in due time. Get comfortable, you will be with us for a while. Accept this, Briar. Your family is vulnerable, Rei will not be coming for you, and your free life as you know it is over." The voice growled.

"At least tell me who you are. I deserve that much, and don't underestimate Rei." Briar said.

"You will learn my identity soon enough. For now, just sit back and watch the show." The voice said. Briar let out a scream of frustration that shook the room she was in, making dust fall from the ceiling. She'd never felt anything like that before. Raw power surged through her body, making Bri feel stronger, more solid. Crackling energy replaced fatigue, and a rage exploded inside her that made her feel like she could beat Alyssa to the ground.

"What the hell is going on with me? These are the same feelings I had the first day of school." She said to herself. It looked like she was going to have to save herself.

"Are you certain she can't get away? That howl was legit. I know you felt that rumbling. She's a ticking time bomb and there's no timer ticking down. We won't be able to control her without having Rei under control first. What is the statue on that?" Avery asked.

"She is emerging faster than we expected, but if we go the route of coddling her at every turn, she will never be strong enough to survive her initial phase. Rei believes he can "gentle" Kitsune into emerging, but not even the great Kitsune can combine with such a weak human vessel. Being here will only make her stronger." A replied.

"You're the boss. What are you going to tell Rei, Artemis, and your father?" Avery asked.

"Let me worry about that. Just get rid of her truck before they find it, and her. I have to check in with Draken's twin texts, to make sure they keep going in the wrong directions." A said, leaving.

"This area is not that big! Where could they be hiding?" Rei slammed his fist on the hood of his Jeep, leaving a dent in it.

"We will find her, Rei." The brothers turned to see two people walking towards them. "Do you recognize them?"

"Nope. They seem to know us though. Prepare yourself incase they aren't friendlies." Artemis growled.

"If you say so." Rei smiled at the two as they walked up. "Hello? Can we help you two?" Rei asked.

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