22. Use Caution Now

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Troy gave Briar a few days to allow her to come to terms with her newly discovered destiny, before talking to her again, Animikii had warned Troy that brainwashing is a delicate process.

It was messing with both Briar’s and Kitsune’s human/wolf meld. If done incorrectly, Briar and Kitsune wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between one another and a confused, berserk wolf was not going to accomplish anything but more fighting.

In the morning, it was Misha’s job to bring Briar breakfast, talk with her, and see which buttons she could press the srories of her friends and fanily. She also helped Briar do things that made her feel normal.

“Morning, Misha. I’m sorry If you got punished because of my stubbornness. Can you forgive me?” Bri asked.

“Don’t worry about it. A will not sacrifice me or Troy, so put those fears to rest." He reassured her.

"Please don't feel obligated to help me in any way, or pity me in the, attempt to win me over?" She turned away from him, not wanting him to see the hot tears running down her cheeks.

"That's never been my motive with you Here, I brought you some good food this morning, and a double shot of espresso. You drink that right?” Misha smiled.

“Hell yeah! I haven’t had one since before I was so rudely taken.” Bri snapped.

“I have some news from the outside world if you care to hear it?” Misha asked.

“Sure, why not? Its not like I'll be going anywhere near the outside.” Bri replied sipping her espresso.

“Alyssa and Rei are going to the Harvest Ball together. Artemis agreed to take Blu, and here you sit, alone and forgotten. Your dad even went back to Seattle, your mom is packing all your stuff to move as soon as they either find you, or finally give up. I feel horrible that your family is just letting you drift in the wind.” Misha wiped a non existent tear from her eye.

“Stop, you have no reason to be upset or hurt." She told Misha. "They aren’t my family or friends. If they were, they'd be here by now. I must have been the ultimate burden on them. It is staring to look like I have no one but you, Troy, and A." Briar plopped on a chair.

" My birthday is in a week or so, and I see no reason to change my nature. Just because this is going to happen to me, doesn’t mean I need to be on the side of Light or dark. I’ll make my own way, my life will be mine and mine alone. After the claiming happens, I’m out of here. No one will be able to find me.” Briar said with a crazy look in her eyes, that made even Stone Cold Misha take a step or two back.

“Briar, chill woman! A has authorized Troy to take you to the Ball as his date.” Misha smiled.

“How? He’s not a student there? They won’t let him in even if he is accompanying me. I don’t have A dress, or anything. Ill atay in my dungeon, thank you.” She said turning her back on Misha, indicating for her to leave. Hearing the door shut behind her, waiting till the footsteps were gone, Bri slammed the rest of her espresso, and threw the cup at the wall so hard, it shattered into tiny little shards that littered the floor.

“Rei, how could you do this to me? I’m done with this bullshit. I’m going to that Ball and demanding what the hell was wrong with him. Going over the words she would say to Rei suddenly swirled in her mind and before she could sit, she was flat on her back on the floor.

The voice she heard was laughing at her! Great, now the voices in my head are laughing at me, she thought, watching the blackness swirl in and take her.

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