chapter twenty-three

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"Well done so far everyone. We have only two months left of this project and I am impressed with all the hard work everyone has shown. Let's have a good day."

Stepping outside the meeting room, I spot Chase heading my direction. I can't stop the smile that makes it's way onto my lips at the sight of him.

"Hey, you want to grab a coffee?"

"Yeah sure, I have a meeting at midday so I have a couple of hours free now."

"Great, let's go."

Walking down the street with Chase, holding his hand, I've never felt more alive. Although I wish everyone was happy for our relationship. Luke still hasn't spoke to either of us since we came clean about us dating, almost a month ago now.

I didn't speak to him everyday anyway with me living in the city and him being back in Rosehill. He works almost twelve hour days at his law firm, but this is the longest we've gone without speaking.

I feel a little sad at the fact that he is so angry with me having a relationship with Chase. Why did he warn him off dating me? Chase is the best guy I know, why wouldn't my brother want me to be with him? There has to be a reason.

"You ok? You're quiet."

Chase snakes his arm around my lower back as we arrive into the coffee shop. It's crazy to think that we came here on our second day of working together for this project and here we are, four months later. Only now my heart is full again, and I know how much I love and want to be with this man.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I offer him a smile while reaching for his hand.

He places a quick kiss on my forehead before ordering for us. Taking a seat by the window, I pull out my phone to see a message from Evie.

Letting her know we can definitely have a girls night at mine this weekend, I place my phone down as Chase sits down opposite me, sliding over my coffee.

"I'm seeing the girls on Friday night, maybe we could do something on Saturday if you're free?"

"Of course, I'd like that."

Taking a sip from my cup, my eyes take in the handsome man infront of me. Today he is wearing a black shirt which I love, giving him a sexy yet mysterious look. His fingers push through his hair as he leans forward, gesturing me to come to him.

"You're staring baby." He almost whispers, his breath fanning my lips.

"How can I not? You look so fucking good today." I tease him, biting my bottom lip.


He pushes himself back into the chair as I chuckle to myself, crossing my legs to divert the ache in my core.

Glancing at the time, we finish our drinks and I stand, waiting for Chase to follow as my eyes slowing dragging up the length of his body. Clenching my thighs together as I reach his eyes that are already on me and full of lust. He takes a few loose strands of my hair, carefully pushing it behind my ear as he whispers, "I can't wait to fuck so hard tonight."

My cheeks blush immediately from his words as we leave the coffee shop and head straight back to work.

How the hell am I meant to concentrate for the rest of the day now, knowing as soon as we get to Chase's tonight, his cock will be inside of me so fast that I'll be screaming until I forget my own name.


"Riley? Please can you meet Amanda and Claire in their office. They would like a word with you in private." I lift my head to see Amanda's assistant at the glass door.

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